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Magyarország - Szlovákia Kezdeményezés egy Fenntartható Hálózati Együttműködésért / Maďarsko - slovenská inicitíva pre trvalo udržateľnú spoluprácu. (HUSKI)
Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Aug 30, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

After 2000 Phare CBC and INTERREG IIIA Programmes ensured subsidies for the cross-border cooperation in the Hungarian-Slovakian area. The basic conditions of the subsidies were building strong partnership and ensuring CBC impact. Still most of those projects were implemented in a unilateral way. The projects realized very low added value. The partnership was maintained only during the project duration, and the developments were mostly based on the EU funds. Long-term and sustainable structures have been built only in some branches.The Lead Partner Principle (LPP) has been obligatory in Hungary-Slovakia Programme from 2007. Common planning, implementation, financing and employment will contribute to a good quality partnership and to a better CBC impact. Besides the new legal and programme frames, the regional management organisations can also help to establish the conditions of long-term partnership structures, common institutes and thematic cooperation. On the one hand, the project would like to create the basis of common thinking, common planning and common acting with building, operating and maintaining thematic networks in order to contribute to sustainable and integrated developments. According to our experience, there is a need for a platform, which would encourage cooperation in planning and define common interests. On the other hand, it is important to encourage project development and cooperation among enterprises, organisations and institutions in the two sides of the border and to ensure high quality of project planning and implementation.The project will help the cooperation among the project partners in the field of stable, regionally relevant developments and project ideas Achievements: The project aimed to promote the cross-border cooperation of organizations and institutions and create a basis for the development of common ideas, common planning and the implementation of activities in areas of common interest. With the aim of increasing the cooperation on the level of project planning, several workshops were organized for the relevant stakeholders in the area of energy, economy, culture, tourism, environment and natural wealth. The workshops provided an opportunity to identify common problems, joint planning, but especially to create a wide platform for professional partner search. For the processing of high-quality projects in the area and their successful implementation, the project included trainings focusing on project implementation and project management.
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  • 82.9%   165 048,29
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Slovak Republic (HU-SK)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website