Search for European Projects

Madreselva (honeysuckle)
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context and background of the Project. This project started with the aim of continuing with the international projects of the College of Art and Design of Burgos after the PAP programme ended and the Erasmus+ began. What is intended is to give our Medium vocational Training students the opportunity to live an international experience which will allow them to acquire some professional skills and training and some personal experiences which will improve their capacity to enter the competitive world of work nowadays. It will also allow them to broaden the intercultural views based on the knowledge of completely different cultures to their own. The main aims for the participants: - To develop professional and social skills. - To improve your language skills. - To know other ways of working. - To broaden your social relationships. - To be aware of the cultural diversity of Europe. The main aims of the institution: - To improve the quality of education considering these projects as part of the learning process. - To promote the value of plastic and design arts, above all, those which are studied in our center. - To consolidate the mobility projects of the center and to study other possibilities of taking part in other international activities (K2 projects). Number and profile of the participants: Four participants have enjoyed the mobilities. The people who have participated include Medium Vocational training students from Applied Arts (Artistic cabinet making studies) and from Clothing (Leather accesories craftwork studies). Description of the different activities carried out: Throughout this project, four 90-day mobilities have been completed. During the academic year 2014/15, two interships of students who have just graduated, in Finland (student of Artistic cabinet-making) and Germany (student of Artistic cabinet-making). During the second academic year, 2015/16, two interships for students in Finland (student for Leather accesories) and Italy (student of Artistic cabinet-making). Outcomes and impact achieved, as well as benefits to be obtained in the long run: Outcomes: Mobilities or exchange programmes completed successfully; improved language skills (oficial language of the Project as well as the mother tongue of the country); friendships and new social relationships; a greater respect for different cultures and acquisition of professional skills. Impact: Reflecting on our lifestyle and different work organization. Having the experience of being “an outsider” because you are in a different country and culture. Improving your empathy towards your colleagues or classmates who are in the same situation as you. Being more tolerant. Having closer relationships with the institutions involved. Putting in practice everything you have learnt in our center. Benefits: A link with the culture and the host country. Improving the CV of the participants; understanding the foreign languages as a means of communication and not just as a subject; being aware of the possibilities that Europe provides the students to broaden their working expectations both at a professional and at a personal level; possible visits of other professionals to our center.

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