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M.O.V.E. - Mobility Opportunities for Vocational Experiences
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project called “M.O.V.E - Mobility Opportunities for Vocational Experiences” borns from the desire of “D. Rea” Institut’s staff to enhance an international training by cultural, linguistic and vocational exchanges. The goals are to: - improve and develop the skills of the school staff concerning teaching, foreign languages, ICT; - strengthen the quality of teaching / learning through the internal educational comparison and the collaboration with the different educational systems of the school institutions of the partner countries; - consolidate the modernization process and the internationalization of the school by making possible the implementation of the best educational practices;- sustain the intercultural exchange, for a greater understanding and awareness of the social, cultural and linguistic diversity;- support the students in the acquisition of skills, in terms of knowledge of new professional situations in wine, catering and tourist reception sectors;- develop skills and attitudes to enhance the personal development and promote the inclusion in the workforce both in territorial context and in Europe; - improve the communication skills in foreign languages, whose knowledge is indispensable and motivating so to interact both in relationships with peers of other countries or in the professional practice;- ensure the recognition of skills (ECVET) acquired through certificates and European certifications.The project “M.O.V.E. - Mobility Opportunities for Vocational Experiences”, lasting 12 months, involves the participation of students and teachers of our Institute, in specific:- Nr. 40 students (4 accompanying teachers), attending the fourth year of the sectors of ‘Wine and Hotel Hospitality services’, who are about to leave school to enter the world. The project aims to offer students the opportunity to complete a traineeship abroad for three weeks in France, Spain, Hungary or Norway, at prestigious hotels, restaurants and bakeries, identified by the representatives from the host schools and previously agreed. Students will be introduced, from the partner school, to the social culture of the country hosting and they will attend theory courses and practical workshops, company visits and cultural tours.- Nr. 8 teachers of technical practical area of the kitchen and pastry sector, who want to follow eight days of training abroad to meet educational institutions and associations, to improve their skills, to acquire new professional knowledge and to open them up to intercultural exchange. The National Association of Hungarian Confectioners will host these teachers. They will attend a course and a workshop on the Hungarian pastry, they will visit local companies confectioner; They will participate in meetings with prominent personalities of Education and will be confronted with the Hungarian colleagues, on their education systems and training .Mobility MOVE enable students to live an experience that will make them aware of their potential and will open them to new cultures. It will allow them to develop communicative competence in a foreign language, create new professional relationships. Training teachers are highly motivated and aim to improve their teaching and language skills, as well as ICT abilities, in order to enhance the educational offer of the Institute promoting this project. The students of our Institute need growth opportunities, in terms of cultural enrichment and professional and employment chances. The project aims to meet these needs thanks to the practical work experience abroad.This is one more step towards internationalization: mobility is the central moment in which, thanks to direct encounters between teachers and pupils from different countries, it happened that stable relationships between partners was made. This encourages the planning and the participation in other partnerships; it will support the understanding of the value and the strength of European cultural identity.At local and regional level, the project will have substantially the merit to connect the world of work with education and training. At the same time, companies benefit from the knowledge of the participants. At European level, the project will facilitate the internationalization of training organizations and companies; participation in social and economic life in Europe and the European labor market by young people.

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