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M.I Massaažikooli töötajate ja õpilaste õpiränne Euroopasse
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

M.I. Massage School ( MIM ) or International Massage Academy (IMA) is a private vocational school where massage therapists are trained. IMA has around 250 students from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Russia. The Academy has had a successful international cooperation with many countries. Since 2012, 12 IMA students have practiced massage in a 5-star hotel spa in Switzerland. In 2013, 12 IMA teachers gained new professional skills and experience during their mobilities to the UK, Malta, Italy, Portugal, France, and Iceland. The mobilities were supported by life-long learning program, Leonardo Da Vinci and Nordplus Adult. The aim of the project “Mobility in Europe for International Massage Academy teachers, workers and students” is to get international work experience from different EU countries and to develop the co-operation with our foreign partners. During 2 years 2 students go for 3 months to Cyprus, 12 students go for 2 weeks, 7 teachers and 14 workers go for a week to the the UK, Italy, Spain, Malta, Portugal, Cyprus and Germany to visit different institutions to do work shadowing, learn, teach, practice massage and improve their skills. The project helps to promote the studying process at IMA and thereby implement more effective cooperation in the international market as well as to increase and expand professional skills. During 2 years we wish to find innovative methods for intensifying practice, completing practical training and; moreover, start new and permanent partnerships in a long term. Performance goals and new experiences help to guarantee the sustainability of the school, improving leadership and economical processes. We are applying for grants of mobility project to send 14 students, 7 workers, and 14 school teachers to the following seven Europeans countries: Italy, the UK, Spain, Malta, Portugal,Cyprus and Germany. The group of applicants consist of the first and second-year students, school teachers, members of the board, administrators, training managers, members of the training departments and the coordinator of international projects. Students spend 2 weeks or 3 months in an European country in massage institutions being introduced with the working culture, local standards, the structure and organisation of administration, services and the team; in addition working as an administrator and a masseuse. The teachers mobility lasts for one week, consisting of job shadowing, observing the training process and practicing; teaching massage and obtaining new techniques or teaching methods of massage. The employees of IMA acquaint themselves with the specifications and nuances of the job connected to administrating and managing its specialty and the tasks. The team consists of the various employers in IMA. The project manager coordinates the whole project; team tasks and PR. Logistical support while organizing the mobilities is guaranteed for the participants; the school´s book-keeper and the CEO assist project´s finances. Practical support for the teachers is directly offered by the deputy of the training and education department who is also running the preparatory process. Students are prepared for the mobility by the practice manager. The head of school and executive director support the project in heading the project and participating in selecting of the students, teachers and workers; the head of the school signs the contracts and helps to solve any possible situations fully. Throughout the practice the students acquire new experience in working in the multicultural environment, develop specialized skills and competences as well as self-discipline; advance in correctness in implementing requirements, foreign languages, analytically mind and tolerance. Obtained experience guarantee the students the preferences in the international market and permit the students to pass some stages of curriculum through exchanging practices on RPL (Recognition of prior learning) by working experience on international level. Practical training in the international work and different language environment helps the IMA teachers gain and secure sustainability for professional and personal development; becoming more self-confident, motivated, and tolerant. The school staff gain experience in a specialized environment about the innovations and developments in the administrative, economical and managing structure of different European countries. The successful outcome of the project through new experiences and ideas is implemented in the educational process of massage therapist training. Moreover, international contacts between European experiences bring cooperation of different schools to the international level and activate mutual and close exchange of teachers in that particular area. Improved training quality in massage specialty rises the overall qualification of massage therapists as well as the competitiveness in the labour market.

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