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Lyseossa kansainvälisyys kuuluu kaikille
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lappeenranta Lyseo Upper Secondary School has long traditions in various international studentexchange programs. We currently have three Erasmus+ projects, and one project with an uppersecondary school from New Delhi, India. We are proactive in welcoming teacher trainees. Thisyear, we have had teacher trainees from Japan and the Czech Republic. We also have an assistant teacher from Ruanda. Our international work has concentrated on the project with student exchange. Now we try toincrease the number of teachers participating in international teacher training and job shadowing. Annexed to Lappeenranta Lyseo Upper Secondary School we have the IB school and Finnish-Russian upper secondary school. The international working environment requires fluency inEnglish from our teachers. As there are students from the IB and Finnish - Russian school on thecourses of the national upper secondary school as well, the ability to use English as a language ofteaching is vital for the whole teaching personnel of the school. At the moment, the proficiency ofEnglish is not sufficient among a large number of our teachers. In addition, this makes itproblematic for them to interact with our foreign teacher trainees. A group of our teachers are truly active in international co-operation. They have created links withschools from Iceland and Portugal, and they hope to have a chance to visit the schools in theform of job shadowing. Our school is about to start new forms of co-operation with Lappeenranta University of Technology.The university has been a pioneer in launching education of entrepreneurship, and one of ourmajor goals is to emphasize entrepreneurial studies as well as entrepreneurial approach toworking. Our teachers are looking for international courses where they could learn ways topromote entrepreneurship in their teaching, following an international viewpoint that the universityalso has. Entrepreneurial studies would also give new viewpoints on student-centered learning,which will be in our focus with the new national curriculum. We develop theme-based studying, in accordance with the new curriculum. International co-operation provides a natural way to implement this and to get models for the studying. At the moment, we apply for a grant for 7 teachers. The topics of their training are job shadowing, entrepreneurial studies, student-centered approach and theme-based studying.

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