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Lubaczów-Yavoriv two potentials, joint opportunity (IPBU.01.02.00-18-054/10)
Start date: Jun 30, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Great cultural and tourist potential of Yavoriv and Lubaczów has not been used to the full extent. Limited tourist infl ow, lack of promotion, poor state of historical infrastructure impedes tourist development in the region.Therefore, the project aims at the improvement and the full use of tourist potential of the border region. The objective of the project will be achieved through the creation of tourist information systems for partner cities, renovation of market squares in Yavoriv and Lubaczów, conducting trainings on providing tourist information and tourist traffic service, promotional events – crossborder meetings of partner towns and communities, etc.The project activities aims include: the boost in tourism in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland, the increase in business activity and business contacts in tourism and related sectors, the increase in local communities awareness as far as culture and history of partner towns are concerned and eventually tighter cooperation between border regions and partner towns of Lubaczów and Yavoriv. Expected Results: Renovated market square - the centre of Lubaczów's historical urban layout and revitalized market square in Yavoriv - adjusted to tourism movement, modernized National House and Summer Stage - adjusted to orgnised events for Yavoriv citizens and tourists. Created Touristic Information Centre in both cities. The local tourism sector was strenghtened.
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  • 90.1%   1 305 233,37
  • 2007 - 2013 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants