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LovEarth through art, musical activities for youth workers
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jan 16, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Training course "LovEarth through Art, musical activities for youth work", born from the idea of spreading the knowledge about creating and leading music activities for social inclusion and involvment of disadvantaged people, has been realized in Berlin, 5-12 December 2014. Objects of the project were: to learn and to share good practices about music activities for young people; to develop new methods of social inclusion and involvement of young people without music backgroup meat as experience in playing or knowledge about rhythm; to learn how to use body and voice as music instruments; to be aware about group dynamics, conflict solving and crisis management; to share knowledge about music instruments and how to play them; to build a partnership for future projects. As last object we had: to create a common method of social inclusion of young people through music, starting from the basic concept and knowledge of music and by using the natural elements that each person has: voice and body. At the TC have participated 24 from 8 different countries: Germany, Italy, Poland, France, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine. The target group was composed by youth workers, trainers, artists and social workers who wanted to learn and improve new techniques and methods concerning musical activities. The working methods we have used are: ?Experiential learning?, ?Peer to Peer?, "Coaching" method and specific methods on music, rhythm, body music and overtone singing. The first part of TC was dedicated to icebreaker and teambuilding activities. In the second we discovered the different sounds that our body can make, after that we worked on how these different sounds can be combined among the participants creating synchronization and good vibes for each. The third part was dedicated to discover the natural voice that everybody has, through the tecniques of natural breath. Then we will focus on how the different natural voices can be combined for create a uniquum and armonic body. The third part of the training course was dedicated to practice and experiment what learned before by participants. Also, we went to visit to organization in Berlin, to share good practice and get inspired from other working experiences. Tha last part of the project we worked on the evaluation, follow-up and dissemination activities. On the immediate, as result, we had a good group connection which worked together for the whole duration of project and are still in touch. With some of them, we are applying to new projects. One of the unexpected results is that our video for the dissemination of the project was realized by one of participants at the TC.
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