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Los Derechos Humanos en una Comunidad Europea de Valores
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project, The Human Rights in a European Community of Values (HUMREV), intends to launch a reflection on the current situation of Human Rights within the framework of the European Community and according to the challenges proposed on the different European agendas and initiatives in the run up to the year 2020. The Project will be mainly developed in educational centers and shall remain in force for three years. We have divided each year into two semesters and have committed each period to a partner. The most direct benefits of its impact, but not the only ones, will be the members of the educational communities: teachers, students and families. For this reason,our project will address the Human Rights issue using a methodology that helps to REINFORCE values such as, Freedom,Solidarity, Equality, Tolerance, active Citizenship and Democratic culture and, at the same time, it will help to DEVELOP basic competences such as linguistic and digital skills. Among our objectives, we are trying to incorporate more actively Human Rights issues in school curricula and, in this sense,we will try to design innovate teaching materials that could be fully used by any educational center.Involving two universities (Alicante and Oulu) and NGOs such as "Entreculturas" will give the project added value and ensure its rigor. At the same time, they act as support of the intellectual outputs. Local institutions ,such as Alicante City Council, will provide the project and its activities with an amazing impact through the media. We intend to reach society from the classrooms and make the students , and the entire society, aware of the common responsibility of making real the Charter of fundamental Human Rights. This is our challenge. We believe that our European partners can bring knowledge and recognised expertise to the Project. Thus, for example, Gymnasium in der Taus in Backnang (Germany), recognized as “School without Racism”, II Superiore “Guido Monaco di Pomposa” in Codigoro (Italy) with extensive experience in students job placement ,once they have finished their educational period, Limingan Lukio in Liminka (Finland), further reflection of the outstanding educational system of the country and very committed with the study of minorities and, eventually, Gimnazjum Nr 21 in Gorzow, Poland, that will consider different aspects related to the field of religious tolerance. IES Cabo de la Huerta, as coordinator of the project, is awarded with the recognition of “Supporting Educational Center” and it is also an active member of the “Caring Young people network”. The school is deeply involved in environmental and sustainability programs, something which is closely associated to the Environmental Justice issue also explored in the project. The development of the project is being implemented via Transnational meetings (7, 2 teachers from every partner school) and mobility weeks (6, 12 students from every partner school aged between 16 and 18 and 2 accompanying teachers). One of the project’s intellectual outputs will consist of the development of a methodological guide ( coordinated by the University of Alicante that will set up guidelines and strategies enabling us to DETECT the reality of Human Rights in the educational centers and in their nearby environments, to PREVENT behaviours that entail a violation of Human Rights and , eventually, to SET LIMITS to action plans in response to the assessed problems. In the transnational meetings , the working material will be presented and in the mobilities the results will be collected. The final compendium of strategies, actions, results, etc, worked and analysed in all partner countries , will make up the final intellectual output that will be presented in the last mobility in Alicante with important outreaches and local dissemination.On the other hand, each country will be in charge of the specific development of a fundamental Right. The activities that will develop these specific rights and will be carried out along the semester and mobilities will be presented in the transnational meetings. All the partners will be informed and will share their work through e-Twinning and www. website, where the material generated during the project will be collected. All the partners have designed long-term activities that will be carried out during the three- year project period: sporting events, topic workshops, visits to disabled Homes, voluntary works,debates, concerts, exhibitions. Any Project should be ambitious in its approaches and in the expected results. So it is ours. We are looking forward to changing our schools. We intend to have Human Rights present in the school curricula, and we would like to have the possibility of going out of the classrooms and drawing the society’s attention. In short, we intend to get a worthy, fairer, generous and responsible society. In the long run we will all benefit from it. And we hope to succeed.
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5 Partners Participants