Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
Institut Pere Vives Vich has decided to give a multilingual approach to start a global school project about a comprehensive
treatment of languages. This project fits perfectly in an environment where Catalan is the vehicular language, and in which Spanish
and English are also taught as compulsory languages. One of the main aims is to expand this Multilanguage approach to other
foreign languages such as German and French, when possible. Therefore, the school wants to give value and importance to the
communicative competence, which is essential in the construction of social knowledge and critical thinking. Moreover when
processing information, the use of specific communication resources in different subjects is quite relevant, so we want to facilitate
the communication of knowledge and how to share it : describing, explaining, justifying, interpreting or arguing different
phenomena, being able to understand and communicate this practical knowledge should be based on reflection in the process of
communication. Using the language as a specific resource for each subject in the curriculum should also involve the ability to make
language as an object of observation , analysis and creation.
The applicant teachers have different curricular profiles:
The Natural sciences, Physics, Chemistry and Social Sciences departments have three teachers who have already started the GEP training, therefore they have already begun the use of instructional and learning materials in English: dossiers, audiovisual material.
Through their basic vocabulary and instructions students will do their writing practices. The purpose is not to teach the subject in
English, but to use scientific and technical texts in English as an usual input source.This training aims to foster the educational level
towards the CLIL practice among others and perhaps would mean the initiation of a new imclusive methodology in the School
Development Project. Therefore, the international study programes that we have chosen in the UK would mean a remarkable
improvement and consolidation of the English language.
There are 4 teachers, who are not in the GEP group yet, but have indicated their willingness to gradually incoporate to it, within the
second year of introduction in Technology and Mathematics subjects . To start with, they will attend a CLIL training, which will also
help them to reach a desirable linguistic skill to safely deliver curriculum in English.
The dissemination will internally be done through teachin staff meetings , department meetings and tutors, as well as those which
affect the entire eductional community. We also plan to organize Exalumni conferences, to share recent experiences as a result of
the mobilities received, from the ones who had benefit from old international projects carried out in the school and would have led
them to continue their journey in European countries. Sharing these experiences with the educational community means a call to
give weight to the importance of the European added value in the XXI century. We will also have a space that it is intended as a
permanent showcase of all the projects that are undertaken . In our website we have a link which leads to the old Comenius projects
including our recent students Mobilities in Finland and the future Erasmus + projects (www.institutperevives.cat)