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Logistyka bez granic
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

18 students and two teachers from Technical School in Cieszyn (ZDZ Katowice) took part in the project The logistics without borders. The students who took part in the project were in the class of logistics, there were also 2 teachers who took part in this project. In response to students’ and employers’ needs and in order to improve vocational qualifications, language skills, intercultural skills, personal and social skills there was a 3-week apprenticeship taking place in Spanish logistic companies. Apprenticeship was in Cordoba. We chose this place because there are many big logistic companies employing professional staff and they have big experience in training young logistics. The project gave students the chance to work in an international environment using modern technologies. The main purposes of the project were: getting to know conditions of modern European logistic companies, using their school knowledge, improving skills and qualifications in new background, improving cooperation skills in international team, learning to be responsible for quality of work, verification of personal skills and vocational competences, improving stress resistance, improving language skills, and improving cooperation among institutions and organizations offering vocational education, getting to know the culture of the foreign country In addition, the project has entered into the priorities of the Erasmus program , because it is assumed the promotion of young people's mobility through the test of experience gained outside the country, in particular, by assigning ECVET points depending on the acquired experience, support was expressed for the development of entrepreneurship and multilingualism among students, helped to improve the ICT skills used when working in positions of logistics, but also on the works connected with creation of products used for project development. The project involved the comparison of the ways institutions in the field of professional education in the above mentioned countries, as well as methods of verification. The main results were: achieving new professional competences, which would cause bigger attractiveness of graduates on the labour market, increasing the occupational mobility and awareness of permanent learning need, improving language and intercultural competences, and personal development electronic mini-dictionary of logistics terms in English multimedia presentations about logistics that can be used as teaching materials mini-guide of Andalusia The training program was agreed with the employers in the sector of logistics, go-between organization- Europroyectos LdV and in accordance with the school program of professional apprenticeship. The place of appenticeship was proposed by the go-between organization- these are logistics companies with professional training and years of experience in training young logisticians. Together we decided about: the program of practice, the degree of responsibility of each partner organization of the project, as well as the number and profile of staff involved in project implementation, the project implementation schedule, work plan and objectives, principles of interaction and ways of communication, monitoring and evaluation at the level of the project participants, validation of the acquired skills and certification, as well as ways of development of the project and its results. Also we prepared linguistic-cultural-pedagogical training for project participants.

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