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Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Almost all school students in 14-19 vocational education have considerable digital competence and experience acquired through access to their own laptop, tablet or smart phone, and their engagement with social media. Most schools and colleges have access to web 2.0 learning platforms, but only a minority of teachers use anywhere near their full potential for interactive, student-centred teaching and learning across the curriculum. This project aims to enhance the capacity of non-specialist ICT teachers to do this by identifying and providing the training and support they need to engage and develop students’ pre-existing digital skills in support of their personal and social growth, their vocational education, and their lifelong employability. The project is focused upon a collaborative program of action research undertaken by five providers of 14-19 vocational education in five European countries. It is directed towards a better understanding of what works, where, and why in providing the training and support needed by teachers, school leaders and other educational professionals to meet the aims outlined above. It investigates the extent to which best practice can be transferred across European countries or modified as appropriate to their specific social, cultural and educational contexts. In this way, it seeks to address the challenges of supporting young people’s completion of vocational education leading to transferable qualifications in “New Skills for New Jobs”. Major outputs include: • cumulative resource packs for training and supporting the work of teachers and school leaders in meeting this challenge through the enhancement of their own and their students’ digital skills and awareness; • demonstration of best practice including audio-visual presentations, documentary analysis, and reports for academic and professional publications, all feeding into regional and national policy communities; • an international conference showcasing these digital competencies in vocational education for employability; • an EU-fundable and sustainable training course for our immediate target groups of teachers, school and college leaders, educational advisors, business-education link workers and the members of local and national VET policy communities; • a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) where the knowledge gained through the project can effectively be shared with other teachers, leaders and schools around Europe; • a sustainable web-site as the basis for dissemination and exploitation of the project’s outputs across the whole European area.
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