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LOD Around The Clock (LATC)
Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description The LOD Around-The-Clock (LATC) Support Action aims to help institutions and individuals in publishing and consuming quality Linked Data on the Web. Progress in the areas of large-scale data processing, data integration and information quality assessment increasingly depends on the availability of large amounts of real-world data.The emerging Web of Linked Data is the largest source of multi-domain, real-world and real-time data that currently exists, containing billions of assertions and spanning diverse domains: media companies such as the BBC and Reuters, pharmaceutical companies like Eli Lilly and Johnson & Johnson, as well as the US and UK governments are publishing Linked Data on the Web.This global data space allows the development of applications that benefit from the universal identifiers (URIs) and the uniform data model (RDF) over a scalable protocol for data access (HTTP).

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