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Local tastes - Local values (LT-LV)
Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Sep 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will map wine and gastronomy culture in the Hungarian and Croatian Baranya including folk traditions and folklore events related to gastronomy. The collected information will be made available to the wider public via a trilingual website and the elaboration and publication of a richly illustrated book including food recipes and food-related ethnographic traditions is planned as well. The project will also include trainings for the participants of catering industry and agro-tourism including courses on local raw materials, seasonality, local wine and gastro-cultural history, gastronomy and related traditions, further the use of local products and recipes in wine and gastronomy culture. The course will be complemented by a joint study tour covering both sides of the border. Achievements: Aiming at placing the Baranya/Baranja region on the gastronomy map of Europe, the partners in the project worked on developing joint promotional tools for the region and for the specifi c wine and food events on both sides of the border, in that way contributing to the closer co-operation of the wine producers and tourism providers on one hand, as well as the whole border population on the other. The project supported the elaboration of a joint interactive web portal containing all the information on the wines and foods specifi c for the region and the presentation of events based around them.

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  • 82.7%   78 746,20
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Croatia (HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants