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LOCal media for sustainable community AcTion in Europe
Start date: Nov 1, 2013,

The proposal is for an inclusive model and associated, methodologies, tools, materials and courses that empowers adults, especially but not exclusively, in disadvantaged communities, to participate in sustained quality learning and to take an on-going, active role in their community and the broader society. The project integrates models from 2 previous Lifelong Learning Programme projects which successfully delivered best practices and learner benefits in social media, community reporting (Isabel – KA3) and peer learning through Community Learning Champions (Enable Leonardo da Vinci). These projects have provided communities with the tools to engage disadvantaged individuals and groups facilitate the learning required so that they either learnt to communicate their community stories in a variety of media or acquired the skills they needed to re-enter the labour market. The key innovations in Locate are not just in the application of these relevant experiences in developing but in how these have been integrated into sustainable structures and activities for local communities. The project enables:• Community Management Boards for sustainability• Community Learning Ambassadors providing peer learning• Lifelong learning driven by the community’s and individuals needs • Business planning for sustained community participation• Evaluation and monitoring of activities• Editorial policies that facilitate disadvantaged individuals and groups to “have their say”.• Specific training in income generationThe project will run in Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain and UK using a mix of media for communities and other stakeholders that targets the different audiences (eg forthcoming events via sms for younger members or on a newsletter for older members of the community). All the courses and materials will be in English and the native language with an online Resources Exchange for stakeholders to review and use.
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4 Partners Participants