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Local & Global: entrepreneurship developing and innovation methodologies in school education. Working in projects with a CLIL methodology.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project “LOCAL & GLOBAL: DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND CONNECTING SUBJECTS” began as an idea of joining European students with similar characteristics, but living in different countries. In order to develop their creativity, entrepreneurship and the implementation of new methodologies to motivate students, this project will help the students to achieve them. Also students need to improve their languages skills and the use of the ICT because they do not interact with them daily in their schools. We are four schools which have in common the subject of Business and Economics. We also want to work in a CLIL methodology where many subjects together with the ICT and Languages, are the tools for our students to build a consolidate relationship. The main objectives of our projects are enhancing the quality and relevance of the learning offer in education by developing new and innovative approaches, fostering the provision and the assessment of key-competences, including basic skills and transversal skills particularly entrepreneurship, languages and digital skills. Also promoting take-up of innovative practices in education by supporting collaborative learning, strategic use of ICT, open educational resources, virtual mobility and other innovative learning methods and improving the teaching and learning of languages. The participants to whom the project is aimed are 8 students from each country, making a total of 32, because we are 4 countries involved in the project. The students are 14 and 15 years old, so they were born in 1999-2000. The main goal of the project is to create a virtual company where all its departments are managed by the students with the help of the teachers. The activities that we are going to implement will help us to develop all the objectives we have previously planned. First of all students will be working in their countries using a CLIL methodology and collaborative learning to develop the first part of the project. Business and Economics will be the main subject students will work with, but also the different departments will be involved in the project. Collaborative learning will take place when students organize their ideas for the project. The first year they will work within their own country and the second year they will work with the other countries. This part includes creating their own company in each of the collaborative countries. In order to improve their digital skills, students will be in touch via TwinSpace where they can upload monthly the work they have been doing and also interact virtually with each other. The second year they will work on a blog together while they are still part of TwinSpace. They will also chat via Skype to do presentations to the other partners. Short-term exchanges are a very important part of the project as well. Students will be able to assess the first year in the organizing country in the month of June. They will also work together planning the following year project after entrepreneurship training. In the first meeting they will present their products and they will also create the new "four teams" for the next year. There will be two participants from each country and they will have to plan the functions of the different Departments. In the second short-term exchange the students will put in common all the things they have done during the year and they will assess the second year of the project. The expected results will focus in three different areas. The impact on the students, the school and the school environment. The impact concerning the students will focus on both their learning process and their studies motivation. In this way we expect them to enhance their linguistic skills and the use of the ICT. Regarding to the teacher´s impact, we expect and improvement in the teaching ability and their development in their linguistic abilities to communicate in a foreign language. Also implement the using of new methodologies and the ICT within the classroom. For the schools it will mean a step forward in the linguistic projects and its presence in the European Framework of Reference. To finish, the project achievement will be share with the Educational Community trough virtual spaces like e-twinning and other social networks. Furthermore, the teaching materials will be available for other schools and teachers in the blog of the project and some educational websites like AICOLE.
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3 Partners Participants