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Local Development and Preconditions for Border Pass Opening and Motorway Construction across the Ukrainian-Romanian State Border in Shybene Verkhovyna District Ivano-Frankivsk oblast of Ukraine and Poenile-de-su-Munte Maramures county of Romania (HUSKROUA/1001/072)
Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Mar 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims at strengthening the economic capacities and investment attractiveness of border communities in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast in Ukraine and Maramureş County in Romania through the promotion of sustainable development, investment opportunities, and infrastructural changes to improve the accessibility of the regions (building a motorway and opening a border pass in the vicinity of Shybene village in Verkhovyna District, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (Ukraine) and the village of Poienile de sub Munte in Maramureş County (Romania). Main activities: Activity Group 1. Establishing of Cross-border cooperation institutions. Activity Group 2. Elaboration of the common strategy of sustainable development for border regions of Verkhovyna district (Ukraine) and Ruscova Valley (Romania). Activity 2.1 Business Attitude Survey. Activity 2.2 Communities’ Profiles. Activity 2.3 Sustainable development planning. Activity group 3. Facilitation of Business Development and Attraction of Investments. Activity 3.1 Data base of local producers and investment proposals. Activity 3.2 Investment maps. Activity Group 4. Carrying out of technical and economic studies of motor way construction and border pass opening. Achievements: Cross-border collaboration between two target regions facilitated to join the efforts of the border communities; the common sustainable development strategy of two cross-border regions developed (a framework document for local economic development and investment promotion); common vision and common action plans will be elaborated, and joint strategy implementation committee set up. 2. The investment opportunities and advantages for business development in both target regions identified and promoted through community profiles, local manufacturers and investment proposals’ data base, and investment maps for priority investment sectors in the target regions. 3. The planning documents, design specifications and estimates for Iltsi-Shybene motorway construction prepared and environment impact of this infrastructural project assessed. 4. The structural changes towards the border pass opening on the Ukrainian-Romanian state border achieved (minimum result is submitting the application by the Oblast State Administration to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning the border pass opening; etc.

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  • 81.1%   430 410,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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