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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

LAWPreT is a project which seeks to provide the necessary vocational training to employees in local authorities (LA) for waste prevention, through the combination of short-term physical mobility with virtual mobility. This will be achieved by a strong partnership between seven partners that complement each other with their background, experience and expertise, in related EU and nationally funded projects. The objective of LAWPreT is to help LAs face the challenge of complying with Waste Framework Directive and the derivative EU legislation, that shift towards zero waste societies through waste prevention actions at a local, regional and national level, as can also be seen in the National Strategies for waste prevention of EU countries. All seven partners have experience in projects that aim to fulfill the aims of EU environmental policy on waste, either through pilot applications and studies or through their educational work in the sector. LAWPreT will create a set of outputs that will be accessible on-line. This will be: the platform that will hold all the educational and training material, an informative review on all national waste prevention strategies available from EU countries, a useful waste prevention guide for LAs with information and detailed steps for implementing waste prevention, a training package that will incorporate all the available information on waste prevention required for providing the long distance learning course and finally, the course itself, accompanied by its curriculum, that will be the guide to lead each trainee through the on-line training process. All the above are going to be in three languages, English, Greek and Slovenian. Modern pedagogical methodologies will be implemented in combination with Information and Communication Technologies, in order to achieve the maximum training level in parallel with the important sensitization that is required for the subject. More than 300 participants will take part in the dissemination activities of the project, mostly LA officials but from other important public and private sectors as well. 100 trainees from municipalities in Greece, Slovenia and Cyprus will attend the on-line course and the face-to-face overall short-term training. The trainees are expected to act as trainers in their place of work, by training their colleagues and the workers they are in charge of, hence the expected impact is going to grow in time. The shift of local waste management policies, so as to include waste prevention strategic planning with coherent and clearly specified goals is envisaged, with a benefit for the environment, the quality of life, the preservation of natural resources and the struggle against climatic change.
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6 Partners Participants