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Local and regional actions for carbon footprint reduction (CLIMATLANTIC)
Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The impact of climate change has become a central issue in European environmental policies, focusing efforts to mitigate its effects in reducing the emission of greenhousegases and ensure secure, sustainable and competitive energy and a low carbon economy. CLIMATLANTIC project aims at developing strategies at regional and local levels towards the reduction of the carbon footprint in the European AA. The project focuses on four basic pillars: mobility, energy, territory management and social behaviour developing concrete strategies to be implemented and validated through pilot actions. As a final product, partners aim to create a common strategy for the AA, based on the four thematic strategies identified above.Being developed in two fundamental stages (technical and political), the project involves the implementation of the following activities: creation of think tank groups with experts from all partners with the aim of promoting the sharing and creation of knowledge among its members to set up common strategies; strategies' validation through joint transnational pilot projects, analyzed and validated by the Think Tank group prior to real implementation; promotion of an Atlantic debate with regional and local authorities with the collaboration of existing networks of regional and local authorities, such as the Conference of Atlantic Arc Cities; final congress organization for the approval of a Strategic Atlantic Agenda for sustainable urban development for the reduction of the carbon footprint .The sustainable development strategy to reduce the carbon footprint in the Atlantic regions is a major contribution of the CLIMATLANTIC project to the statement that the AA is capable of combining growth and competitiveness, with the socio-economic recovery of relevant resources and construction of a new development path that includes environmental protection and social welfare. Achievements: As its main results, Climatlantic has achieved:• 1 Common Atlantic Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development and theReduction of Carbon Footprint.• 1 Think Tank of experts covering the four key fields: mobility, energy, te‐rritorial management and social behavior.• Link the Common Strategy produced to the current debate on an AtlanticStrategy for the EU, involving cities and regions in the debate.More information is available under:
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  • 65%   1 346 076,55
  • 2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants