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living near the water : aspects of life

The students and teachers of the participating schools from Germany (coordination), Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden, Finnland, Estonia and Portugal want to initiate a multilateral project on the topic „living near the water“ .The students take part in all stages of the project.The result is going to be an internet platform where all intermediate products will be collected for a wider public to view.The students and teachers will strengthen their intercultural competence during the close collaboration of the European partner schools. The communication about the project takes place in English to improve the social and language skills of all participating people.The students present the results on the four main perspectives nature and environment, health, culture and tradition, migration. These modules will be developed through different activities ranging from beach cleaning, water analyzing and classifying its species to collaborative poem writing and creating an eco-friendly itinerary. All activities focus on the importance of water for our lives.Methodological competences in the field of ICT are improved by the creation of an internet platform for the public to view, the collaboration and communication via the Fronter platform offered to all partnerschools by Küstengymnasium Neustadt, researching, evaluating, structuring and presenting information through Fronter and process documenting media.The students of the participating schools will get to know each other through the fronter platform by uploading their profiles and start a new friendship to strengthen the common European identity. While working on it they use modern ICT and the English language which will prepare the students for their future work perspectives in a common European market.
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9 Partners Participants