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LivE - Lernen in und von Europa. Internationale Fortbildungsangebote für Beschäftigte in der Erwachsenenbildung
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"LivE - Lernen in und von Europa" was an international qualification programme for adult education staff. During the two years of the project, 86 staff members of different adtult education institutions and Volkshochschulen from the Land Baden-Württemberg from different sectors and all hierarchical levels participated in strategically well linked learning mobilities. 33 teachers, 21 paedagogical staff members and 25 managing staff members had the opportunity to participate in trainings or job-shadowings abroad in EU countries. 7 political decision makers, especially from regional ministries and municipalities, were also involved in learning mobilities. Main goals of quailification programmes and job-shadowings were the individualisation, modernisation and internationalisation of teaching, especially language teaching, intercultural education and the support of leadership and management competences. Thematically, the one to two weeks trainings dealt with the use of new learning media and settings in adult education, new methods for adult teaching and new concepts for the integration of immigrants and refugees by specific learning offers. Moreover, study visits with tailormade course programmes for small groups from Baden-Württemberg were offered, among others on the subject "Integration and Education" in Göteborg/Sweden. Results and impacts of the project are visible and measurable on different levels. These are in particular 1. the use of gained competences in classes and in the every day work of the participating adult educators, e.g. the use of digital learning media and collaborative learning settings in teaching, 2. the conception of new thematic and/or methodogical learning offers, e.g. the systematic addition of e-learning to classical teaching in classrooms and individualised tuoring, e.g. implemented in the concept digital+ at the Volkshochschule Leinfelden-Echterdingen and in the project Deutsch B2 für Gesundheit und Pflege, which is offered at different Volkshochschulen in Baden-Württemberg with individualised, online based tutoring, 3. the strengthening of international partnerships, e.g. realised between the LiveE partners City of Göteborg and Region Västra Götaland on the one hand and the Land-Baden-Württemberg as well as different baden-württembergian municipalities on the other hand. As a consequence of an ERASMUS+ KA1 study visit in October 2015, the cooperation will now be further developped and other municipalities and regions (Oslo, Graz, Wien, niederländische und belgische Regionen) will be involved, 4. the (further) development of cross-institutional and cross-regional education initiatives, e.g. in the field of literacy and basivc education in Baden-Württemberg. Experiences from a learning mobility to Austria have heavily influenced the establishment and work of a new competence centre for literacy and basic education in Baden-Württemberg, 5. long lasting effects, since learning results will be used unlimited in baden-württembergian edult education institutions and education offers will be improved sustainably. By the regionwide coordination of the trainings in close cooperation with education providers, municipalities and ministries regionwide impacts could be reached. The proposal was co-ordinated by the EU-Projektberatungsstelle of the Volkshochschulverband Baden-Württemberg which is supported and co-financed by the Kultusministerium Baden-Württemberg. The EU-Beratungsstelle planed the project, enlarged and strengthened its international education partnerships and networks, developed instruments for the identification and evaluation of learning contents and the transfer of results, chose participating organisations and staff, supported learning mobilities, evaluated the project and ensured the transfer of results outside the participating organisations as well as impacts on system level.

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