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Literacy, a Necessity for Democracy
Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Sep 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is a two-year project about democracy and what is needed to be able to be an active member in society. In today’s Europe there are many things that threaten democracy, and our youth need to be made aware of the value of being able to express themselves freely. The liberty of a democratic country is often taken for granted, and when students fall behind in essential qualities needed for being able to take part in and contribute to a democratic society, democracy is put at risk. Therefore this project aims to empower young people to take a more active part in society. The objectives of this project is that our students -gain a better attitude to learning and realize the importance of finishing their studies. -improve their skills in reading and writing -improve their skills in critical thinking -realize the need of a healthy lifestyle -realize the value of a multi-cultural society The participants are students from Luspengymnsiet, a small upper secondary school in Lapland, Sweden and Zespol Szkol Mechaniczno-Elektrycznych in Zywiec, which is situated in the very south of Poland. Both schools recruit students from rural areas, where unemployment is high and where the number of students with literacy problems is increasing. Most of them fall, in one way or another, into the category of "participants with fewer opportunities". The number of students in the physical exchanges will be 25 from each school, but since the project is interdisciplinary more students will be involved in the different kinds of activities. The project "takes off" by having each student introducing him/herself by making an short film which will be published och Youtube. Then there will be collaborate discussions on Googeldocs about their perception of the concept of democracy and what is required in a society for it to work. This will be followed by further studies of democratic values and preparation of materials for a joint exhibition during the first student exchange. Simultainiously there will be collaborative discussions on Googledocs about the meaning and means of health. Apart from lectures on the necessity of good food, sleep and exercise there will be individual dialogues with the students about their health and way of living. Basic skills and criticism of the sources will be trained throughout the whole project. When exploring the role in society of cultural minorities and subcultures they will get an insight in their conditions and challenges. The Intervention Study which will be carried out at Luspengymnasiet will be an integrated part of this work. Both schools will provide opportunities of learning a language not commonly taught in Europe, i.e. Swedish and Polish. English is the common language for communication and cooperation during the project and that will give the students and teachers plenty of opportunities to practise and improve their knowledge. During the exchanges there will also be workshops, lectures, exhibitions and excursions to cultural and historically important places, for example Auschwitz and a Sami Camp. At the end of this project we expect our students to have developed their consciousness that critical thinking and mastering of basic skills are necessesary to be able to function and participate in a democratic society. We also expect our students to -have improved their attitudes towards learning and the importance of finishing their studies. -see the benefits of a democratic and multicultural society. -have an increased awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle -have improved their competence in languages (English, Polish, Swedish) -have developed their use of ICT in their studies The teachers involved hope to -have been equipped with an increased set of tools which we can be used in our continous work with improving literacy. -get an insight in each other's working conditions and pedagogical challenges - exchange and develop strategies in dealing with problems such as school phobia, bullying, alcohol and other drugs -develop the use of ICT in teaching. The benefits on a longer term are that the experiences gained throughout the projects will trigger the students' reflections on who they are, their place in Europe and in the world. It will make them aware of the value of being able to express themselves freely and give them an awareness and competence of skills needed in a democratic society. We expect that the collaborative approach, the authenticity in the project as well as participating in the literacy project will lead to a more positive attitude towards learning.
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