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Limits of discrete structures (StrucLim)
Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Built on decades of deep research in ergodic theory, Szemeredi's regularity theory and statistical physics, a new subject is emerging whose goal is to study convergence and limits of various structures.The main idea is to regard very large structures in combinatorics and algebra as approximations of infinite analytic objects. This viewpoint brings new tools from analysis and topology into these subjects. The success of this branch of mathematics has already been demonstrated through numerous applications in computer science, extremal combinatorics, probability theory and group theory. The present research plan addresses a number of open problems in additive combinatorics, ergodic theory, higher order Fourier analysis, extremal combinatorics and random graph theory. These subjects are all interrelated through the limit approach.

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