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Like IT: Internets kā domāšanas veids un profesionālās attīstības instruments mūsdienu pasaulē
Start date: Jun 20, 2014, End date: Oct 20, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background of the project The Internet has significantly changed how people perceive and think about the world: how information is acquired, employed and understood. It is becoming especially common nowadays for young people to spend an increasing amount of time engaged with social media. However, there is a noticeable lack of balance between the development of proper understanding of how to utilize online communication resources securely and efficiently, and the speed of technological advancement. Consequently, young people frequently fall under risk of emotional abuse online and are rarely informed about the broad possibilities of using Internet resources as means of personal and professional development. Therefore, it is necessary to advance general Internet awareness, which includes suggestions on secure browsing and communication, teaching to acknowledge the practical significance of Internet and social media, and how to seize the opportunities provided by rapid technological progress. Objectives of the project To improve understanding of possibilities provided by Internet and modern communication technology among young people, positively influence their professional development and social engagement by teaching to use virtual communication securely, independently and without causing potential threat to their own health and safety. Number and profile of participants Thirty young people aged between fifteen and twenty-two from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, who are willing to learn how to effectively utilize Internet resources in order to promote personal growth as well as apply the gained knowledge in their daily lives. Activities Activities included in the project are based on methods of informal education. Questions regarding the significance of Internet as a contemporary cultural phenomenon and the tools it provides, which could be used for self-help, education and occupational purposes, as well as Internet-security, ethics, Internet- related laws and regulations are going to be covered in discussions, simulations, debates and activities of other format. The participants would be given a chance to formulate, share and freely discuss views and opinions, enhance and improve knowledge by taking part in the planned tasks. Methodology Teamwork exercises, “icebreakers” and team-building activities, open discussions, interactive presentations done by both the participants as a form of assignment and by qualified professionals attempting to foster understanding of a specific topic , simulations, daily and overall feedback and evaluation sessions, filmmaking. Results and impacts Participants will raise their awareness of both national and international work-placements, internships, academic and informal educational opportunities by learning to utilize IT resources effectively. Additionally, they will be encouraged to think about the Internet and social media as a cultural phenomenon along with gaining an understanding of underlying moral and philosophical concepts. Therefore, improving own occupational desirability, ultimately diminishing odds of falling into unemployment and promoting habits of secure Internet usage among youth. The project’s partner-organizations will acquire valuable experience concerning the organization of youth oriented activities, specifically, aimed at promoting effective use of IT and social media. These skills will be required to organize on-going information sessions after the end of the exchange as well as independent projects based in their home countries. On a European scale, the project will result in the establishment of a stronger bond of mutual understanding between European youth, when dealing with problems of employment, secure exchange of information and the influence of social media on occupational prospects. The project will have a direct impact on thirty participants along with at least three hundred other young people, who were not able to take part in the exchange. This is going to be accomplished through enabling chairpersons of partner-organizations and the participants of the exchange to organize information sessions and various activities in their hometowns dedicated to promoting the results of the “Like IT: Internet as a modern way of thinking and a tool for professional development “ project also engaging with the local youth.
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