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Lifeboat Crew Exchange Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. Context/background of project Maritime emergency search and rescue (MESR) services are provided free of charge to those in need. Nowadays, many MESR organisations remain faced with less influx of volunteers with a nautical background. Therefore, it is essential that more attention is paid to vocational training and sharing the knowledge of experienced members of MESR organisations across Europe. 2.Objectives of your project: -Develop the competences of the Maritime SAR volunteers to improve their personal development and employability and to help prevent the loss of life in the European waters and beyond. -Run two exchanges of experienced lifeboat crew between volunteer organisations in different European Countries for up to 7 days that will involve training and job shadowing with members from other countries by trainers and on equipment of another volunteer organisation. 3. Number and profile of participants We aim to implement two successful exchange weeks in which in total 14 Norwegian lifeboat crew members (volunteers) receive training and job shadowing abroad at partner European MESR organisations. 4. Description of activities The activities in this project summed up: - Prepare the exchange weeks together with partner organisations - Select participants out of lifeboat crew members and prepare them for the exchange - Implement exchange mobility, training and job shadowing - Evaluation of exchange and implement improvements regarding training and/or organisational issues - Feedback of participants to local co-workers and organisation - Dissemination of results using several communication channels - Compliance of project to Erasmus+ Agency 5. Methodology to be used in carrying out the project The project will be carried out using the plan-do-check-act methodology in order to achieve the project objectives. The project manager is responsible for the planning and implementation of all activities and works together with the project managers of the partner organisations. Participants will be monitored during their stay abroad. 6. A short description of the results Follow up will take place via evaluation, dissemination of results (by participants and partners) and implementation of best practices. Communication between partners and participants will take place through the project website, teleconference, e-mail and meetings and other available means of communication. 7. Impact envisaged We foresee a great impact on the participants in this project concerning boasting competences and skills, better understanding of other cultures and a greater European view. This impact will not only have effect during the project, but for their future lives and work as well. There will be a great impact for participants and partners on a European scale with regard to exchanging best practices, better strategy to retain volunteers, working towards a European validation instrument, intercultural meetings and European citizenship. 8. The potential longer term benefits In the long run, this project will enhance the collaboration today and in the future between MESR organisations in Europe. We will use this project as a stepping stone toward a European validation instrument for SAR training. As more volunteers benefit of an exchange, international collaboration on a European scale will be woven into our organisation as well as in our partner organisations. This way, the much needed collaboration between MESR organisations in Europe is sustained for the future.

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