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Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background A wide range of temporary habitats is generated by the digging of quarries, with some becoming more permanent. In many cases, the ecological value and ecosystem services quarries could generate are neglected. Quarries can act as stepping stones and play a significant role in regulating green infrastructure in landscapes. In highly urbanised landscapes quarries are an exceptional opportunity to maintain rare and threatened transient habitats that host pioneer species. Such ephemeral biodiversity in and around quarries cannot be managed through the legal protection status of a site, but their biological potential could be maximised by optimising groundwork throughout the whole exploitation process and upon closure of the quarry. However, the lack of knowledge of the ecological potential in and around quarries is hindering such biodiversity protection and preventing the restoration of ecosystem services following their closure. Objectives The LIFE IN QUARRIES project aims to develop biodiversity in active quarries by: Testing and defining methods for the restoration, maintenance and management of pioneer species and habitats; Testing and defining methods for preparing the physical quarry infrastructure during exploitation processes, in order to facilitate the establishment of restoration plans that will increase ecosystem services and biodiversity following exploitation; Identifying lock-in situations and challenges for biodiversity development in active quarries such as legal constraints, lack of biodiversity management awareness etc.; Developing the awareness of quarry managers, public administration managers and other local stakeholders for biodiversity management; and Demonstrating best practices of adapting management throughout the complete exploitation process for up to 24 Belgian quarries and sharing this experience in the European context. Expected results: 1. Coherent ecological management for 24 quarries in Wallonia. Development of inventories and management plans for these 24 quarries. 2. Active management of: 12 ha of temporary ponds and 120 temporary ponds of 5-25m²; 10 banks of loose materials for solitary bees and sand martin reproductions; 5 ha of screes with pioneer vegetation of the Alysso sedion; 96 fauna shelters; Four translocated populations of Bufo calamita and four translocated populations of Triturus cristatus to suitable quarry habitats in the project sites; and Successful introduction of a population of Bombina variegata. 3. Permanent actions: Creation of 24 ponds larger than 25 m²; Creation of adequate conditions for the installation of 400 m of reedbeds on deep quarry lakes; Installation of 16 terns platforms; Securing four galleries for bats; Installation of 50 ha of infrastructure for pasture grazing and diversification of habitats; Floral diversification and 10 ha mowed grasslands; and Setting up of 8 km of linear screes adapted to reptiles. 4. Training for CEOs and staff members of the 24 Walloon quarries and six EU quarries, including workshops, development of factsheets and guidelines for the creation and management of temporary habitats in quarries. Development of supporting videos and a picture database aimed at species recognition for quarry workers. 5. External communication, demonstration and dissemination, including information panels, website, leaflets and newsletters for the general public as well as information material for other EU quarries and experience-sharing events with relevant partners in France, Germany and the Netherlands. 6. Research: Inventories of actual and potential ecosystem services provided by the extractive industry; An analysis of the quarry network contribution to green infrastructure; and Analysis of the Walloon and EU legal framework.
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3 Partners Participants