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Lider w Szkole - Rozwijanie Umiejętności Pracy Zespołowej i Efektywnego Zarządzania
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the constant need for improving the quality of the work of the school and the qualifications of the staff, it is necessary to make the cooperation between the teachers and students better, by applying the new methods and teaching tools. Very important aspects of the needs of our school are the ability of management and effective cooperation between the leader and the group. This is important during the educational projects inside the school as well as regarding international ones. Fifteen members of he staff of Zespół Szkół nr1 w Łazach, working with the students in the age from 6 to 16 were the participants of the course. They are the teachers of primary school and lower secondary school and other school staff. The chosen training allowed to improve the areas of the knowledge pertaining to the team work. Another issue is the improvement of linguistic skills of the staff, which enable cooperation with the schools abroad and exchanging experiences across Europe. Better linguistic skills give the possibility for greater number of teachers to be involved in international project, to meet teachers from different countries, to implement the best practices in school and thus ensure the wider impact of project results. The training helped our staff to improve their competences connected with new technologies because the communication was done by the Internet. The training and the whole project was for those people who want to improve and develop the team work. The participants learnt how to motivate the group and about effective communication, non standard thinking , creating the process of teaching what relate to the needs of our school. New abilities of the school staff let the quality of the school work match the students needs. A lot of teachers work using projects as a teaching method, and the class is also a group, a team which has to be motivated and led, so the subject matter seems to be adequate to the present needs of our school. Methodology of the course was connected to: team building, group discussions, problem solving, debates, goal settings, planning, actions, negotiations and persuasions, brainstorming, ice- breaking and motivating. Participants improved their qualifications and developed their skills, which could be used in the teaching process and raise the quality of the school. Effective communication methods make the students, the teachers and the parents more active in terms of working for school. It influences cooperation with local authority and partner institutions. More effective management and motivation allow to communicate better in all areas. The participants of the project become the local leaders due to improving their management skills. They are models to follow for other teachers and motivate the students . People taking part in the project improved their linguistic skills which can be used in the future international projects as well as in their private lives. The knowledge of the given foreign country made understanding cultural differences easier and developed a sense of European citizens and identity. The next advantage of the project is ability of promotion and reaching the next level of career advancement. School cooperates with many local institutions like: local authorities, library, Culture House, sports organizations and local associations. All the groups will benefit thanks to the cooperation with highly qualified school employees who have wide knowledge and skills acquired during the course and all project. All and all, it is the student who is the most important subject of the enterprise.

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