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Leveraging the Digital & ICT Competences of senior women to extenuate the knowledge divide
Start date: Nov 1, 2013,

LIST stands for “Leveraging the Digital & ICT Competencies of senior women to extenuate the knowledge divide” & aims to address women that for age, level of education or participation to economic life, lack sound digital competencies & skills necessary to benefit from the services of the ICT Society nowadays. LIST challenges the possibility to leverage the current ICT skills set through a new approach in learning absorption practices so to meet the future needs of the digital era approaching fast.The relevance of ICT in everyday life is a concept largely shared, for the social, economic & the great civic implications it has. Public & private operators offer, at an escalating pace, new services via the web, social networks offering new opportunities for socializing & elearning, participation to democratic life through electronic tools/means & access to career opportunities. However, beside the so-called digital natives, there is still a high percentage of the EU population excluded from Information Society. LIST project tackles this challenge by developing & testing pedagogical solutions & tools in an intergenerational learning environment. Concretely, after surveying in detail the target group's ICT knowledge needs, a curriculum will be developed, on basic digital competencies (ICT competencies & digital literacy). Trainers selected are specifically prepared to deliver proper didactic courses for disadvantaged users. Patterns to be developed are tested & adjusted according to lessons learnt. A final publication collects tools & methods devised, as a sort of guidelines for decision makers & other adult’s education providers.As a result, the quality of ICT course for disadvantaged adults will be improved, the awareness of senior women on the importance of being digitally literate will increase, the intergenerational & gender gaps towards ICT diminishes & on a longer term, e-services spread more & economic performance, driven by technological innovation, is boosted.

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