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Leveraging sport to tackle gender inequalities
Start date: Mar 14, 2016, End date: Mar 13, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Equality between men and women is a fundamental principle of the European Union. The Europe 2020 strategy brings out gender equality as a lever of economic growth, employment, social cohesion and sustainable development. To reduce efficiently gender inequalities, it is necessary to work on social representations at the earliest age by tackling stereotypes between girls and boys. The European Parliament resolution of 2012/2116(INI) insists that "gender roles are shaped and imposed through a variety of social influences, including in education".As the special advisor to General Secretary United Nations Adolf Ogi says, "Sport is one of the best school for life, teaching to youngsters techniques and values they will need to become citizens". Without a doubt, sport is one of the best tool to improve gender equality with the youth.The EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Youth and Sport, Androulla Vassiliou underlines, "At the same time sport should be promoted as a tool to improve gender equality in society, as it has the potential to educate people for leadership, contribute to the skills needed for a role or profession and prevents gender based violence".*The Committee of Ministers to member States recommends on gender main-streaming in sport to "encourage, enable and support, by using specific training and tools, physical education and sports teachers, trainers, coaches and instructors to promote equality between girls and boys in sport, and manage problem situations caused by gender differences and inter-cultural issues pertaining to the access to and the practice of sport, physical activity and physical education" (CM/Rec(2015)2). The training project "Leveraging sport to tackle gender inequalities" aims to train and sensitize youth and sport instructors and futures youth and sport instructors to gender equality by professionalising them to how deliver a non stereotyped sport activity. To support and make youth and sport organisations aware, especially directors and directors of pedagogy, of the significance to include a gender equality approach in their intern policies. To educate and make young people aware of the gender diversity in sports practices. The project contributes to reduce inequalities between men and women, boys and girls and to give both the same chances in working life by tackling gender stereotypes with unique European training tools.Understanding the problem at European level can enrich each national context by the experiences and good practices from all partner countries. Indeed gender equality maturities are different by countries. As family, labour, women's employment policies and cultural representations are different.Target groups:- Youth and sport instructors- Training organisations for youth and sport instructors (initial and continuing education)- Youth and sport organisations (sport clubs, out-of-school clubs, day camps, schools,...)- Young people (7 to 12 years)Structure of the project:- Designing of an E-learning Training on gender equality in sports activities for youth and sport instructors. This digital training module is used by youth and sport education training centres. Thanks to its digital form, it can be included easily in existing trainings.- Creation of a Trainer's Guide of the E-learning Training. This Guide provides educational methods and facilitation techniques. - Development of an Awareness Guide on gender equality effects in sports activities for youth and sport organisations. This Guide supports them how to include a gender equality approach in their practices.- Creation of an Educational Cartoon for young people on gender diversity in sports activities. It contributes to open up the scope of possibilities in sports activities and more, among young people.- Developing an EQF Definition of the Egalitarian Youth and Sport Instructor.The project partners:- Charline Jambert (France): Consultant in gender equality - CIAPE (Italy): Training centre in lifelong learning - Fastrak Consulting (United Kingdom): Learning Technologist - Institutul National de Cercetare pentru Sport (Romania): National Institute for Sport Research - GUIMEL (France)*Gender Equality in Sport - Proposal for Strategic Actions 2014-2020 Report
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