“Let us travel with the “Time-Machine” in our coun..
“Let us travel with the “Time-Machine” in our country before and after the E.U."
Our Partnership, in order to materialize a multi – various travel from the distant past (before the E.U), to the bright present (E.U up to today) and the promising future, will use something … “simple” and “ordinary” … the “Time-Machine”!?! Our journey will last for two years. Each country will travel to as many elements as possible of history, tradition, technology, culture, society, economy, language and whatever defines each country. At the end of each year we will all board on the time – machine and engrave paths of friendship, love and association. Our guide will be the pre existent knowledge and experience of previous Comenius projects. We will use the SMILE project as a compass and the e twinning partnership that made us feel more European than ever. The fuel that will fill up our tanks will be the good use of technology, fast internet, ours and our students’ creativity, the Project method, the WebQuest method and most of all our inexhaustible will to explore, to produce, to communicate and to act in various ways. Finally, the most fascinating thing will be the fact that in the production of material each country will include a cooperation with classes with special needs.
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