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Let the play begin. Designing gamification.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project: "Let the play begin. Designing gamification" is dedicated to the teachers from ZSG-H, who have experience in conducting additional teaching with the use of a foreign language and ICT or extracurricular activities for students. Participants should also have experience in international cooperation, eg. through eTwinning and develop: EU projects, school development plan, the educational program. The school is the largest of its kind in the region, it employs 98 teachers and there are 947 students. ZSG-H mission is hiring creative stuff and entrepreneurial education graduates thoroughly prepared to work in a changing market, making it easier to get a good job in their profession. The project is realized as mobility for education staff in the area of school education and is a result of the analysis S Europe 2020Strategy, Strategy for Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Torun City Strategy and a 5-year Development Plan for Schools and contained in the European School Development Plan and is intended to : • implementation of new, innovative forms of teaching and assessment type of game-based learning, project-based learning, outdoor education, e-learning, blended learning, digital literacy, which are characterized by higher efficiency than traditional forms; • reducing and preventing early school leaving and ensuring equal access to quality education, including formal, informal and non-formal learning; • increase the participation of teachers in the external forms of education, especially through programs mobility of school education; • development of competence in the field of project participants to communicate effectively in English; • build the image of the school as an institution effectively undertaking a Union fundraising and international cooperation; • improving soft skills, such how communication skills, cooperation, compromises the participants as citizens of the European community by initiating and cooperation with another nationality; • strengthening self-esteem through the implementation of various actions and activities in international groups. During the project, the participants will take part in the following mobilities: • "Discover the city" (two participants) • "Interactive technologies for the future classroom" (two participants) • "Digital Extra" (two participants) • "Tap-Swipe-Pinch. Game-Based Learning AND gamification" (three participants). The theme of the project is Gamification. This is an area that uses game mechanisms to changes in activity, which are seen as unattractive in those involving participant. It is planned to change the way learning through the use of incentive mechanisms encountered in games that involve students in the learning process and develop their competencies and entrepreneurial attitudes. Method of gamification was chosen because it can lead to a change in the meaning of the learning process and organize educational environment for young people. As a result of all the activities taking before mobility, during and after are 4 projects of gamified lessons/ complementary courses. It will be very important to find partners for future international projects as Erasmus+ or eTwinning. The school will include experience gained and acquired competences of participating in a project to develop a strategic plan for the institution in the future through activities that will have long-term impact on participants in the project, institution, policy makers / authority of the teacher and the local environment. These are: • Implementation of new, innovative forms of teaching and assessment, which are characterized by higher efficiency than traditional forms. • The popularization of the use of digital technologies and active participation in the digital culture. Raising awareness ZSG-H staff about the benefits of digital technology. Update the knowledge and skills of teachers in the field of ICT. • Reducing and preventing early school leaving and ensuring equal access to quality education, including formal, informal and non-formal learning pathways. Increasing students' motivation to participate in classes. • Improved knowledge of foreign languages among teachers. Development of competence in the field of participants to communicate effectively in English.
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