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Let Schools Move in a Healthy, Safe and Sustainable Way
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of Let’S Move! is to promote the healthy, safe and sustainable mobility at primary schools. Levels of walking and cycling of the school trips are decreasing as more and more children are transported by car in their way to school. This causes negative side effects as children obesity, air pollution and reduction of children autonomy. These problems are common to the European cities. It is a global challenge that needs local solutions. The internationality of this project will allow the exchange of best practices and new ideas about healthy, safe and sustainable mobility habits among the participant countries. This project aims to change the perception of the scholar community about transport in the city promoting changes in the daily transport habits. It will have direct benefits on the children, improving their quality of life, health, safety and social relationships. Educating the children and changing their habits constitutes a way for building the cities of the future. Addressing the project to the scholar community means that parents and other relatives will be involved, reaching a significant part of the society. During the project exchanges between students of different nationalities will be promoted by means of the eTwinning platform, encouraging the use of foreign languages and the TIC use at schools, increasing the communication skills of students. Moreover, the project has a multidisciplinary approach, tackling different cross-cutting issues such as health, environment, mobility and safety. The foreseen activities are linked to different subjects, such as geography, environmental science, arts, languages and physical education, helping to improve communication and TICs skills. The project activities will be integrated in the different subjects, allowing the pupils to have a wide vision about the mobility issues and its influence on society. The benefits and impacts associated to the project are: - Increase the daily physical activity of students, helping to reduce children obesity. - Increase the safety in the school environment, since the number of cars at the entrance of the centre will be reduced, and through the improvement of the road safety in the surroundings of the school. - Increase the autonomy of students since they improve the visual knowledge of the area. - Promote the relationships among students, as group trips to school are encouraged. - Include sustainability into the educational programme of the school and into the environmental project of the educational centre. - Save energy through a modal shift from car to walking and cycling. Reduce dependence on fossil fuels. - Reduce CO2 emissions, transitioning to a low carbon economy. - Raise awareness of walking and cycling as smart modes of transport. - Promote the TIC use at schools, increasing the students’ digital competence level. - Increase the students' knowledge of foreign languages. - Increase the competence in geography, environmental science, arts, languages and physical education. - Increase the communication skills of students. - Increase the motivation and satisfaction in the student’s daily work - Foster a more active participation of the students in society. - Transmit a positive attitude towards the European project and the EU values. Four partners participate in this initiative: a public energy Agency (Energy Agency of Ribera -Spain) as a Coordinator, an Association (Prioriterre -France) and two local municipalities (City of Koprivnica- Croatia and City of Wroclaw- Poland). 5.700 students of 15 primary schools will benefit directly from the activities organized in the project. If we take into account students, parents, teachers and municipal staff this number rises to 15.000 people. For achieving these objectives, the following activities will be carried out during the project: - Management activities (project partners meetings, Advisory Committees meetings in each region). - Design and Implementation of 48 safe school routes (12 routes per country). - Implementation of safety measures as painting crosswalks for increasing the safety of the school routes. Reduction of architectural barriers in the cities. - Campaigns, games and activities to promote healthy, safe and sustainable mobility. - Implementation of e-Walking bus using new technologies. - Workshops and conferences for informing the school community about the project and to spread the results and good practices to the stakeholders. - E-Twinning activities connecting the participant schools from different countries. - Dissemination activities for promoting the project and its replicability in other schools across EU countries. In addition, 3 intellectual outputs will be performed: 1. Study about mobility habits at schools. 2. Didactic materials on Healthy, Safe and Sustainable Mobility at Schools. 3. Methodological Guidelines on Healthy, Safe and Sustainable Mobility at Schools.

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3 Partners Participants