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Let's Talk About Migration
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is dealing with 3 activities taking place in the centres for asylum seekers Fedasil in Rixensart and Petit Château (Brussels) and the "Logis de Louvranges" of Caritas for 4 European volunteers. All the activities are located in or around Brussels and are coordinated by JAVVA. The main objective is to create links between European youngsters and asylum seekers in order to reciprocally enrich both residents and volunteers and make them discover new horizons. This project will allow volunteers to develop new skills as empathy, intercultural communication, tolerance, listening capacity and mutual understanding as well as to discover how the reception of asylum seekers works in Belgium. Volunteers will be able to bring those little extras the professional staff isn't able to bring. The volunteer can organise new activities or continue already existing activities. This brings a little diversity to the residents. The volunteers can take their time to listen to the asylum seekers and have a very privileged contact with them because they don't represent an authority nor an institution. The volunteer contributes to the quality of the asylum seeker's stay. Fedasil Rixensart This activity will take place in the centre Fedasil for asylum seekers in Rixensart during 12 months with two volunteers from United Kingdom and Italy. The centre can host up to 140 residents. Volunteers will integrate the service of leisure activities, whose aims are, on the one side, to support children and teenagers in their schooling and, on the other, to organise leisure time activities, mainly in the social and cultural field, for the residents. Some activities in the neighbourhood are also carried out, whose aim is to raise awareness in the local community about asylum seekers. Volunteers will work in the leisure activities department of the centre. They will co-lead and co-organise different activities for children and also with the adults. The activities vary from creative and artistic workshops to cultural excursions to sports activities to helping the youngsters in the cybercafé. Volunteers will also help the kids and teenagers with their homework. Fedasil Petit Château This activity will take place in the centre Fedasil for asylum seekers Petit Château in Brussels during 12 months. The centre currently hosts about 600 residents (men, women, families and even minors without their parents). The selected volunteer from France, will integrate the Buro Bizzi team. Possible activities at the Buro Bizzi are: - organising activities for adults and minors - sport activities for adults (mainly soccer, volleyball, table tennis, fitness) - other trainings: sewing, dancing, painting, language lessons - IT: helping out with starting up computers, helping to find information about the country of origin - daily life orientation: how to take a bus, how to read a map,... Logis de Louvranges de Caritas This activity will take place in the "Logis de Louvranges", a Caritas centre and will take place during 12 months. This reception centre hosts female asylum seekers with or without children in individual apartments. It is the third time this centre hosts EVS volunteers. The selected volunteer from Spain together with another EVS volunteer will be working with the service of leisure activities to carry out activities for the children and the women of the centre. Their main tasks will be: - to help with the organisation of the daycare within the centre and to suggest activities for children (0-3 years old); - to co-lead and to co-organise activities for children (creative and artistic workshops, sports activities,...); - to develop a bicycle workshop (lessons, rules of the road,...); - to co-organise workshops with families in order to improve - communication and community harmony (cooking workshop or any other activities that volunteers want to organise).
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