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Let's motivate!
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CVO Antwerpen is a center for adult education with several campuses in and around Antwerp (Belgium). CVO Antwerpen is one of the largest centers for adult education certified and funded by the Flemish Community. Every year 7,500 students follow a training at the center, and 250 staff members give their best every day to offer these students the highest quality possible.CVO Antwerpen plays the international card to meet the challenges of tomorrow. That is why it wants to equip its staff with the necessary competencies, skills and attitudes to be able to offer adult education that is ready for these challenges. Not only the competencies, skills and attitudes needed in future classrooms are important, but also intercultural skills, language skills and personal development are highly regarded in the corporate culture of CVO Antwerpen, because these aspects can make all the difference in the Europe of tomorrow.Through the mobility project ‘Let’s Motivate’, CVO Antwerpen will gain expertise around the drop-out issue in the academic year 2016-2017. Indeed, one of the challenges CVO Antwerpen faces as a center for adult education is the decline in motivation in students. This shows clearly from the number of students that enroll in a training but do not finish the entire program (=dropout rate). Through the strategic objectives of the center we work on this issue on a daily basis, but this requires extra effort because of the specific public of our students (they often combine a job, a family and a training, are not wealthy, tired of going to school or do not have a social safety net). We wish to tackle this issue through the project ‘Let’s Motivate’. The goal of the project is to gain insight in the issue of dropouts within adult education in order to be able to offer targeted support that will increase our students’ chances of success. This support is not only offered by counseling, but by all employees of CVO Antwerpen. Surely, throughout the program students will get in touch with all services of CVO Antwerpen and every employer plays a role in maintaining learning motivation.We achieve this main objective based on two pillars, both of which have a concrete objective:1. Pedagogical-didactic pillar: gain insight into the specific didactic an pedagogical methods that encourage intrinsic motivation in students.2. Non-pedagogical-didactic pillar: gain insight into the overall dropout issue and the public of students of CVO Antwerpen, because we realize that students’ intrinsic motivation is only one aspect within the dropout issue. Social background and financial status, among other things, also influence the route students take.When selecting candidates, we take the variety of campuses and trainings that CVO has into account, so we can facilitate cross-fertilization between different departments and campuses. In September 2016, the Projects Department will inform all CVO Antwerpen staff about the offer in the school year 2016-2017. Those interested can apply by delivering their motivation to the Projects Department and the Management of CVO Antwerpen. The Projects Department will discuss the list of these interested parties with the heads of department involved and the Management. After approval, the selected participants will be informed.The skills and knowledge of the participants in the field concerned will be enhanced and participants of this project will form a mini center of expertise around the issue of dropouts where other colleagues and policy makers of CVO Antwerpen can turn to for advice. That way we as an adult education center offer our students even better quality, both directly through teaching and indirectly through policy choices that CVO Antwerpen makes concerning dropouts and the support it offers its students. The concrete impact is:1.Teaching methods will correspond better to learning or learning needs of students with a greater risk of early school leaving. We strive for a more individual approach, because that way students get more and better learning opportunities.2. Teaching methods will correspond better to expectations of the labor market, because the necessary and expected competencies are gained during the training (cf. workplace learning, project work). 3. A vision on the issue of dropouts will grow within the realm of adult education, with corresponding concrete actions to decrease the risk of early school leaving. This project equips us as a center with the necessary knowledge and skills to continue motivating students throughout their training program.
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