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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Institution is both a nursery and primary school that counts about 500 pupils, 24 teachers and 22 employees. The area of Riom has become a hub of important economic development including a business european park and five huge international firms. The result is a vast movement of french and foreign families. Facing this transfer of population, the main priorities of our school project are given to International opening, European identity and a mature learning of foreign languages. Here follow our main aims: - Begin English learning as early as the first nursery year. - Increase the English schedules for each grade. - Gather few pupils in english lessons ( no more than 16 ) - Suggest other languages to learn :Spanish on September 2016. - Expand a lasting partnership network with our twin towns schools. - Experiment new methods seen in this Partner schools network. - Dynamize our teaching using more new technology, free educative ressources and linking formal and informal education system. - Contribute to influence French language and French culture. To reach its aim, an european development plan was defined by our Institution to apply the Erasmus program, Key 1 action that offers us the EU. Three types of mobilities have been planned: 1- A five- day of structured languages lessons ( from February to April 2016) After a 20 hours local training, 10 employees will take part to English lessons in London and 4 in Alicante,Spain. Then, they ‘ll take a CLES1 or 2 examination (High education exam). The main goal is to improve our staff languages level in order to increase the one of our learner students. 2- An observation course in a twin school. This course will last 5 days. The main aim is to improve the team’s skills by: - creating an European school network to aim at strategic partnerships. - noticing, listing, explaining useful methods to share them on an internet site. - inovating and getting better in the quality of our educational system. - increasing clearly the staff skills in foreign languages. 3- A teaching mission for French language and French culture. Two French ambassadors will give a first approach to each grade.This will act in favour of our civilization,language and also values. We hope to reinforce Relationships between our French educational system and our Partner schools to promote not only French teaching but also the attraction of this country. In fact, we would like our partners to experiment the same mission in our schools in the coming years. More, we ‘d like to propose different languages Learning in our Institution. Our project  Let’s make our school more international will impact on teachers, pupils and at the same time to each sending and welcoming schools. - a better professionalism for our employees. - the best efficience and quality for our pupils. - an opening to the International and an european identity reinforced for sending and welcoming schools. Widely, we’ll bring our contribution to the Europe 2020 strategy. Nowadays, in a worldwide exchanges time, speaking a foreign language is a competitiveness factor. Improving the languages skills of our pupils, dynamising our educational methods by developing the use of new technologies, we hope all our pupils won’t be out of touch with school and will be more performant in a further way. To conclude, we’d like that in their adult lives they’ ll actively take part in the society , develop a feeling of citizenship and european identity.

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4 Partners Participants