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Let’s make it better! Raising the awareness of the triad nutrition-health-food safety in school education
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The reason of the project is the identified need to restore the place of food science and related subjects education in the culture of young people, in order of their personal development and wellbeing. The high incidence of diet-related diseases and also food borne diseases is a major challenge nowadays, being obvious that the problem rooted largely from the early childhood education. In this context the project proposes activities focused firstly on the enhancing of the relevance of the learning offer in education, taking into account that the healthy and sustainable habits acquired by pupils through awareness and deeply understanding of the food science behind it, will contribute on long term to the quality of life and society welfare. Another objective refers to enhancing the quality of the learning offer in education, based on the materials provided, the teaching and learning methods chosen in order to replace memorizing with meaningful experiments and also best practices gathered by the partnership and shared to teachers and their students. Inseparable by the previous mentioned above, enhancing the key-competences of pupils in pre-primary, primary and secondary education, including basic and digital skills, represents an important project objective. Reinforcing links between education and the world of work is a desired objective for those reaching various stakeholders will be involved. Not at last, carrying out different activities in the frame of the partnership, a structured cross-border cooperation will be promoted, which contribute to the project sustainability. The partnership consists of six partners from six different countries of Europe, four from academic area, one school and also a chain of schools. The project activities are divided in Management and Implementation Activities, Intellectual Outputs and Multiplier Events. In summary, the Management and Implementation Activities, centered on management, coordination, administration and monitoring, will gives confidence that the project is maintained in the line of the progress according to the project work-plan. The Intellectual Outputs are designed so that to obtain especially tangible results which then can be capitalized in teaching and learning, disseminated and exploited. Critical analysis of the educational curricula related to nutrition, health and food safety, Designing, undertaking the training process and classroom implementation, Designing and implementing of the Good Practices Guidelines, Impact Analysis represent the core of various activities that will be undertaken by partners. The Multiplier Events consists in two workshops. One of them is designed in order to widely promote to general public the innovative food products obtained in the frame of the project and also to contribute to raising the importance of education in food science and related subjects. Another workshop is dedicated to dissemination, sharing the final outcomes being not as an end but rather a beginning of the future exploitation. The main outputs of the project are the critical analysis of curricula (at the national level of each partner, from pre-primary to secondary level) and the numbers of teachers and children trained in the area of nutrition and food safety. The training materials, the virtual laboratories (digital games and intelligent digital stories), the portfolios for classroom implementation, the project web page will be an inseparable part of the training process. The involvement of the higher education students and stakeholders from food industry in the project activities will contribute to initiating of the acquisition of entrepreneurship skills by pupils, through manufacturing innovative food products. Good Practice Guidelines for School Education, Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Food Safety Guidelines for Children will be provided as valuable results of the project, taking into account the practical feature of their implementation in the current activities of teachers, students and all interested. Referring to the methodology to be used, the project will promote key pedagogical strategies and will encourage the teachers’ networks development at national and European level, with the aim to ensure the project sustainability. The improvement of genuine teaching will be made by training successful trainers, able to apply different methods in order to strengthen the students’ willingness to learn and to become responsible for the own professional progress. The project impact will occur both during the life of the project and beyond, because the teachers from the target groups will be able to optimize their own work in diversity, the students will enhance the basic life-skills inside the network nutrition-health-food safety, developing their personality and influencing their future employment, the stakeholders involvement will help young people and adults to integrate in the diversity of the European languages and cultures.
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5 Partners Participants