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"Let's live together, not separately"
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Let’s live together, not separately" is a project for people who want to open their hearts, give a helping hand and devote their time to another person. In the modern world, in the pursuit of money and fame we often forget about the needs of others, focusing only on ourselves. As a result, we are alone, without the support of a family, friends and the loved ones. Time to change! You should realize that the modern world does not belong exclusively to the rich, beautiful and healthy, but it is also a place for the elderly, the sick, the lonely, the disabled and the people in need. The main objective of the project is to develop among young people living in the virtual world of computer games, the Internet, in the world of money and success, the openness to other people's needs, the promotion of community -based family values lifestyle, shaping the attitudes of openness and tolerance towards all diversities, the need to help another human being and to improve the competence of students and teachers in foreign languages and the use of modern technology. The participants of the project are about 500 students and 30 teachers from partner schools from Poland, Germany, Latvia , Italy and Turkey, who will be involved in the project activities both at local and international level. There will be three transnational project meetings (Germany, Italy , Poland), in which two teachers from each country will take place. 5 short-term exchanges of students in each partner country, in which 120 students will participate including four students with special needs from the school in Italy, which educates also maladjusted students. During these exchanges, students will participate in workshops, trainings and actions for the benefit of the people in need. In Italy, on 3 Dec. 2015 we will jointly organize and participate in the "International Day of People with Disabilities, in Poland we will jointly organize a picnic for about 300 people with disabilities under the slogan " Let’s live together, not separately", in Germany, in the Vocational Training Centre Robby a series of meetings and trainings will be held to learn how to work with people with disabilities. We will have a chance to learn about the charity activities in Turkey and Latvia. In each of the countries national evenings will be organized to present wedding traditions of partner countries. During the project, the youth will participate in actions carried out by humanitarian organizations, they will hold a charity event for the people in need in the neighborhood, they will visit and know the problems of people excluded from the local society. The schools will organize, among others: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (October 17), Day of Tolerance, Human Rights and European Integration (5 V), preceded by an information campaign in the local media. Nowadays, a generation gap is becoming more problematic, the family loses its value, therefore, during the project a big attention will be devoted to strengthening family ties- the competitions will be organized, among others: "Family Tree", “ Cool Family” (calendar), "Super Grandparents" (photograph competition). As a result of the carried out activities, interpersonal relations among generations will improve and the intercultural dialogue will strengthen, people requiring need and support will receive appropriate help, language competence and skills in the area of ICT will increase among students and teachers. Partner schools will be positively perceived in the local environment, the attractiveness of the educational offer will increase. It is predicted that by using appropriate dissemination activities of the project results, the benefits of the global and local levels will appear. First of all, the awareness about the ways of preventing exclusion will be raised and the help offered will be more effective; undertaken by the project participants and other beneficiaries further initiatives will transfer into long- lasting change in the society's attitudes towards the main problem of the project. The project involves the cooperation of partners, coordinated by the Polish school, based on proven management tools (for monitoring and evaluation at each stage of the implementation - planning, implementation, dissemination), as well as adapting the methodology in the course of actions to occur, relative to the initial assumptions, changes in order to achieve the highest possible quality and sustainability of results. According to the project, the young man is "the VOLCANO of ENERGY " who instead of wasting time on computer games and seeking immediate pleasure should turn towards another human being!
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4 Partners Participants