Let's JEF Out
Start date: Sep 1, 2012,
This year JEF Malta wanted to do something different. Thus it applied for the first time for the funding strand1.2 of the Youth in Action Programme. After compiling the application and being accepted some weeks later,the organisations embarked on its accepted project: "Let's JEF Out".The initial aims for the project were to reach and ultimately involve more youths in what it means to be aEuropean Citizen and discuss various issues that are currently being discussed on a National, European andInternational Level such as Climate Change and Innovation in Business.Since the project as a national youth initiative, the main audience were Maltese youths aged between 17-25.This being said, with the regular upkeep of the new website, visibility on social media and JEF being part of alarger European organisation, the activities had a much larger reach. It is estimated that the project reached atotal audience of at least 1000 youths.During the whole course of the project (one year), JEF Malta kept in close contact with other JEF Sectionsthroughout Europe to inform them with our project and update them with our progress so that other JEFmembers across Europe can get to know about the Youth in Action Programme and hopefully more youthsabroad participate in such a great opportunityAs a group of young people, we chose four topics that we believed that youths should know about: ASustainable Europe, Empowering Youth for Employment, Leading Europe with Innovation in Entrepreneurshipand EU Citizenship: what it means for me! These were the topics we based all our activities upon. Threeseparate committees were set up to involve all participants and match their skills and potentials for their furtherdevelopment.The themes were researched by the Organising Committee and discussed in the forum (informal learning) withother youths, NGOs and other organisations. The themes chosen reflected key issues at the core of JEFInternational that are also in line with the priorities set by the Youth in Action programme.Apart from having the opportunity to involve more youths in other organisations and NGOs around Malta, aninformative booklet stemming from the debates was published after each activity. All followers of theorganisation were updated about the project’s progress through social media websites and with the successfullaunch of the organisation’s new website: www.jefmalta.comThe chosen venue was the University of Malta Campus as it is centrally located (and hence easily accessible bymeans of public transport) and JEF Malta offices are located on campus as well. Any informal organisingcommittee meetings took place in JEF Malta offices and the debates were held in the KSU Common Room onCampus. Activities in the form of a street action also took place on campus.--An outline of the project is as follows.Note: For a detailed schedule kindly refer to the attached document (Activities Breakdown and Schedule ofWork)TOPIC 1: A Sustainable Europe- Research about sustainability- Debate about sustainability in Europe, inviting youths to attend and participate.- Evaluation of forum by Organizing Committee.- Publication of JEFer (Issue 1) with the main focus being the Sustainability and Climate Change and points asdiscussed in the debate.- Uploading info on the website and other social media- Distributing the publicationTOPIC 2: Empowering youth for employment- Research about youth employment- Forum about youth employment, inviting youths to attend and participate.- Evaluation of forum by Organizing Committee.- Publication of JEFer (Issue 2) with the main focus being Youth Employment and points as discussed in theforum- Uploading info on the website and other social media- Distributing the publicationTOPIC 3: EU Citizenship: What it means for me!- Research about the EU Citizenship- Street Action- Evaluation of street action by Organizing Committee.- Publication of JEFer (Issue 3) with the results of the street action- Uploading info and videos on the website and other social media- Distributing the publicationTOPIC 4: Leading Europe with Innovation in Entrepreneurship- Research about Innovation and entrepreneurship- Forum about the topic, inviting youths to attend and participate.- Evaluation of forum by Organizing Committee.- Publication of JEFer (Issue 4) with the main focus being Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Europe- Uploading info on the website and other social media- Distributing the publicationIn general there were minimal changes between the application and the actual implementation of the project.Since care was given to the design of the website and there were some delays from the designers’ part, thewebsite had to be launched in January instead of October. However, as soon as it was launched, it made a greathit and everything from then onwards was uploaded according to the stipulated timeframe.It was decided to change the dates of seminars 3 and 4. This was done as it made more sense to combine theannual festivities of Europe Day with the topic of “EU Citizenship: what it means for me!” Also, instead of adebate, we decided that to celebrate Europe Day, we would do a street action on the University Campus insteadof the usual format of a debate/forum. This proved to be a good choice so that there would be differentactivities during the course of the project and reach a greater audience, this was done especially to reachstudents who would not otherwise know about the project or would be shy/for some reason would not want tocome for the seminars.For some of the seminars, the actual dates were not kept as some other commitments of the organisationcoincided with the planned dates of the seminars. Also, given that there was a general election, this added tosome delays as it was thought that organising activities during these times would result in less participation.It was decided that for the purpose of the seminars, resource items would be bought and printed and thesewould be distributed to participants for the activities throughout the project.In line with JEF Malta’s ‘go green’ policy, it was decided that less copies of the JEFer would be published (soas to reduce unnecessary waste). Instead, more investment on the website and social media, which in turnallowed the magazine to reach a greater target audience, greater than would have been achieved were morecopies of the magazine printed.Another change was with regards to the participants. Since some of the project participants of the originalapplication on behalf of JEF Malta had other commitments when the project was accepted, it was decided thatthe original number of participants would be maintained but some of the participating youths would change.The new participants were given all the necessary resources and handover to carry out the project and this wasefficiently done.This being said, all changes and project progress was communicated with the officer at the NA so as to makesure that everything would eventually get implemented as per the original application.