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Leśnictwo w praktyce - staż zawodowy w Niemczech
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was attended by students of fourth year of technical school in the profession of a forestry technician.Project participants went on internships in 2 groups. The terms of internships particular groups: The first group (4 students + 1 carer) - from 05 to 16 October 2015 .; duration of 2 weeks The second group (4 students + 1 carer) - from 19 to 30 October 2015 .; duration of 2 weeks All the project objectives have been achieved: 1. applying knowledge and skills acquired during the school studies 2. acquisition of new knowledge and practical skills in the field of mechanical engineering forest 3. getting to know the system of organization of the partner company and the conditions and rules at the German labor market, 4. shaping the proper attitude to work: taking care of the quality of work, timeliness of tasks, development of students’ own initiative in the work environment, acquisition of the ability to work in a team. 5. improving the linguistic competence especially in German professional language in the field of forestry. PROJECT RESULTS Measurable (hard): Hard results: 1. 8 students supported within the project 2. 8 students who have benefited from the language-pedagogical and cultural lessons 3. 8 students who obtained certificates and documents Europass Mobility 4. 8 students who have completed professional training in Germany 5. 1 professional terminology dictionary Soft results: 1. increased motivation to acquire knowledge 2. increasing the student's self-confidence 3. increasing the level of creativity and sense of initiative 4. improving practical skills in the profession of forestry technician 5. greater linguistic competence especially in the language vocational training 6. the acquisition of intercultural awareness The partner in the activities of our school was a German training organization Niedersächsisches Forstliches Bildungszentrum in Seesen - Mǜnchehof (NFBz), with an established position in the market and decades of experience in the organization of professional practice. NFBz, thanks to the professional staff of instructors and excellent techno - teaching base, ensured the high quality of the project and ensured an adequate standard of professional practice, during which students acquired knowledge and skills in the field of mechanical engineering forestry and forest use, necessary for future work in the forestry sector. Through the project our school prepared participants to better input to the local and regional labor market. The project created a long-term benefits for both the school and the participants through enriching the participants valuable new practical knowledge. The school received another reliable partnership at international level and has expanded its educational offer with a new form of training that are internships. The project helped raise the professional competence of students based on the latest technologies used in the forestry sector, increasing their employee attractiveness on the forest labor market. An additional benefit for the school was the opportunity to familiarize itself with the daily partner’s operation, and particularly the organization of courses for adults. As a result, we have improved the organization of our qualifying professional courses and are more consciously preparing to transform into the professional training center.

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