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Les jeunes des MFR de Bourgogne se mobilisent en Europe pour développer leurs compétences professionnelles
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project of mobility “Erasmus + Clé1 Mobilité des Apprenants et du Personnel en Etablissement de la Formation Professionnelle” is titled : The Youth of the MFR of Burgundy are Mobilizing Themselves to Develop their Professional Skills. This project is being taken care of by the Fédération Régionale des Maisons Familiales Rurales de Bourgogne in close coordination with the six Maisons Familiales Rurales (MFR) of Gron, Etang sur Arroux, Toucy, Mazille, La Clayette and Villevallier. The main goals of this project are: - Develop the fundamental skills of our learners like social skills - Develop the desire to learn languages - Develop the appeal of new cultures - Develop the spirit of initiative by acquiring more autonomy This project will allow 123 students of Baccalauréat Professionnel to go abroad. This Baccalauréat Professionnel contains different options: Agriculture (animal and vegetal production), services to individuals and to the territory, horse-riding and trade. 63 girls and 58 boys, minors for most of them, will go to European host countries such as Scotland, Spain, Ireland, Bulgaria and Italy. All these learners will go for 3 weeks to carry out 15 days of training. This training will be punctuated with organized cultural visits during the weekends with the accompanying adults. All these young people are on alternating training between school and the workplace and are already rich with professional experiences which they will be able to compare to what they will experience abroad. They will thus acquire new professional skills while losing their stereotyped vision of foreigners. Before leaving, all the students would have followed a linguistic and cultural preparation in class closely related to the country, the city and the structure of the hosts. They will then set up actions of awareness concerning the country they will visit. They will also have interventions as well as initiation or remedial classes when it comes to the language in order to be prepared as best as possible before leaving. While away, the students supervised by their hosts will have to complete all the activities planned for them on their training ground. This will thus develop the skills cited earlier in the goals part. They will be accompanied by the training staff of their school during all the duration of the project. These accompanying adults will not only be able to help them in case of trouble but will also work together with the intermediary bodies to discover new professional and educational techniques. This same training staff will also be collecting the placement certificate from the hosting partners at the end of the stay. On their return, the students will have to write an internship report in order to document their experience. This will be valuable in particular during orals in front of other students of their MFR, its administration, the training staff, the parents, their French training supervisor, the local elected representatives and the media which will allow the spread of information linked to this project. The students will also complete the form “Report of the Participant” in order to express their feelings about this experience. In order to be able to expose their European skills to their future employers, they will also create their Europass and their Curriculum Vitae Europass with the help of the training staff who would have followed them all along. Finally, each team of the MFR who took part in this project, their directors as well as the team of referents will review this project to draw conclusions and insure a better quality of the future projects. These conclusions will also help to improve our plan of European development in the months and years to come.

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