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Les défis actuels des professionnels de l'accompagnement face aux nouveaux comportements des adolescents et des jeunes adultes en situation de handicap
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The three partners of the Luxembourgish consortium, Tricentenaire asbl, Fondation APEMH and La Cordée ASBL, whose coordinator will be Tricentenaire, offer various forms of support for adolescents and young adults with disabilities.These three national partners have identified common needs to train their staff which are grouped under the following title : "Current challenges of professionals confronted to new forms of behavior of adolescents and young adults with disabilities." The mains objectives of the project are to contribute to a better social inclusion of young people who have difficulties of various natures.To achieve this, the national consortium intend to strengthen the knowledge, skills and expertise of professionals in their associations at different levels of functions: professionals providing daily support of these young people and members of the management who have to work out new forms of service or support.The three partners want to organize two kinds of mobility activities over a period of 24th months : formal training (1 flow) or job shadowing (5 flows) ,as part of the mobility of adult education staff , with French, German and Belgian hosting partners. These mobilities will concern 18 participants of the national consortium.2 working topics were chosen to match the needs of the target groups of the consortium partners :- Support to the sexuality of young adults with physical, motor or intellectual disabilities,- New ways of care and support for young people called "incasables (challenging)" or with large difficulties (including in the field of intellectual disability) and who don't accept any support/services that is actually proposed.Hosting partners in France, Germany and Belgium have been specially selected for their knowledge of the sector concerned (disability), for their expertise and innovative work on the project themes. The expected benefits for professional participants in mobility are:- Strengthening the skills and knowledge of issues encountered by these young people,- New tools and coaching methods to support these young people,- Inputs and analyzes to create new models of services or support and the development of a training module on these issues in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.For the target group, the expected benefits are:- A better quality of offers answering the best the needs and expectations,- Improve social inclusion.Each mobility activity undertaken will be assessed qualitatively by each participant after the mobility. Feedbacks of achievements, learning and acquisition of knowledge in the mobilities will be compiled and stored in order to draw conclusions that can help professionals in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.We strongly believe that this project is a concrete step towards the implementation of rights of persons with disabilities, as foreseen by the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and also for a better social inclusion of young people.

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