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Lernen und Arbeiten in Südtirol
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since we have had good experiences with the cooperation with the House Economic Management School in Neumarkt and its collaboration still want to expand, we have chosen to apply a learning mobility of individuals about the program for Erasmus +.By learning and working abroad, our students are to become more open to foreign people and situations and learn independently and autonomously to organize. They expand their social and professional skills and can bring these experiences into the domestic enterprises. They bring more understanding to people from a different culture and will be empowered and encouraged to participate in the European labour market.The involved teachers will expand their vocational skills, learn what will be learned and taught at European neighbours, especially in inclusion classes, and are enriched and motivated by the professional and personal exchange with colleagues.The trainees for an Assistant for Nutrition and Food will be mainly in social activities in their profession later, of why their personality development needs special support. They can provide their skills and knowledge abroad, to test and complement to country typical contents.In order to achieve these goals in two flows of five pupils, accompanied by a teacher, for three weeks, they travel to South Tyrol. In the first week they are on the instruction in the home economics school in Neumarkt actively participate and experience an amazing teaching in inclusion classes. Through the food in the attached students hostel is much room for social contacts with the South Tyrolean students and teachers.On weekends excursions are planned to natural and cultural sites in the region together with the participants. They go out to the country to learn about the Tyrolean peoples und hopefully become a better understanding for each other. In the placement phase, the participants will be distributed to selected operators, which are chosen for their performance profiles, and where they will work ten days.Prior to the students and their parents are informed by home-posts, an information event on the first School day and a parents’ evening about the mobility program. Students can apply with the Euro CV and a motivation-letter and are selected by a jury of three teachers.The selected participants will be prepared by cross-cultural training and learning target agreements and information letter to the stay. The school organizes departure, necessary insurance, the course in South Tyrol and the accommodation and placement operations. The students document their progress in their record books and showcase their international experience in the home school.The participating students and teachers as well as the operations are evaluated and the results are incorporated into the planning of further projects abroad. The mobility project will be announced on the homepages of both schools, in press articles and events to the public.We expect that the participants will open through the action, see the offer for the diversity of their own professional field as well as the opportunities to be available to the European labour market. By strengthening their social skills and the Euro pass CV documents and the mobility pass their chances on the labour market will be improved.Our school as an educational institution with the supply of attractive learning stays abroad and on the basis of existing experience further foreign projects will improve. Both in school, as well as the participants and their families and the premises of the concept of European cooperation are strengthened.

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