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Lernen in und von Europa
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Aug 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Learning in and from Europe During the course of this project we would like to gain valuable experiences and new ideas by witnessing the school life of our European partner schools firsthand. We hope these new experiences will help to further our school development. Regarding the European dimension of inclusion we hope to profit from the vast experiences of Norwegian schools. We intend to include parts of their professional and evaluated experiences in our own process of school development. By sitting in on classes we hope to gain insight into the concepts for successful, effective and inclusive teaching and learning (including methods and resources) which are put into practice at our partner school in the United Kingdom. Further, we are very interested to witness the use of modern media in the classroom regarding the realization of the inclusive principle. The use of the interactive smartboard with the corresponding programmes is of special interest to us. In our school vocational preparation is a key factor and of great relevance in Years 7 to 10 . Therefore we would like to have the opportunity to witness a successful realisation of vocational preparation in Spain. We hope to be able to transfer successful concepts of vocational preparation and thus increase our student´s learning motivation and as a consequence lower the rate of school absentism and truancy. By gaining valuable insights and experiences in the European partner schools and institutions our participating staff will strenghten their competences and expand their horizons as well as their set of professional skills. In order to implement the newly gained knowledge and experiences in our daily school life we intend to conduct regular teacher training sessions. During the course of these sessions the insights are supposed to be evaluated and modified so they fit our school´s needs. The insights regarding the inclusive principle will be presented to the think tank of the District Government of Münster which deals with the topic of inclusion in schools. The think tank not only deals with the topic of inclusion in schools, it also offers the opportunity to receive advice and exchange ideas. This service reaches several mainstream and special needs schools in the county of Steinfurt. The Spanish concept of vocational preparation is supposed to be presented at StuBO meetings (study and vocational choice coordinators) held in the county of Steinfurt. At the meetings the transferability of the Spanish concepts to German schools will be discussed at lenght. The six participating staff members are extremely motivated to join this project. A few of the participating staff members already have experiences of working abroad. The staff will be delighted to have the opportunity to witness the `good practice´ examples in Europe. We sincerely believe that gaining insights firsthand will support our school development greatly.
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1 Partners Participants