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Lernaufenthalt zur Verbesserung der englischen Sprachkompetenz
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The participant is working as an occupational therapist in the kindergarten Weiz, additionally she is working in mobile care for other kindergartens in the district. Due to the economical position and a well developed infrastructure Weiz attracts not only domestic but also families with migration background. Therefore children and parents with migration background can be found in the whole area of the district.An active and close communication is essential in occupational therapy. Regular parent counseling are being held, in which the priorities and objectives of the therapy, advice and information are of high value. Due to the recurring linguistic barriers in parent communication the transition of professional contents is partially limited.Hence the therapist is very motivated to expand, improve and optimize her English language skills to provide competent conversation in the future.The participant has dealt with the course contents and wants to participate an intensive language course of a duration of five days (30 hours per week, 45min) in Malta.Arrival, departure and accommodation will be organized independently, the therapist will prepare herself for the study visit.Together with the institutions management the participant will evaluate the results of the course after returning to Austria and implement the acquired skills into her work .Furthermore the participant will be able to advise and support her colleagues in occurring consultant difficulties with her improved language skills. Therefore the whole team can benefit from the participants acquired skills and experiences.

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