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Lepszy start - edukacja kulturalna dzieci ze szkolnej świetlicy środowiskowej
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is a comprehensive range of activities in the field of cultural education, involving organization of educational and animation workshops (theater, art, music and dance workshops) which is prepared for school youth community centers. Education help offer is addressed to children from low financial status, dysfunctional, disadvantaged and insufficient care families. Planned activities are respond to the needs of the school and family community and serve to solve the problem of the education of the poorest children and they are stimulating their socio-cultural activity. The purpose of the cultural workshops conducted within the activities of the community center is to support families in preparing children for independent living, development of proper social attitudes by taking care of them during their free time and organizing educational and preventive activities. Priority in this regard is also influencing the pupils the way that they could deal better with problem solving, improve their social skills and that they will be involved in constructive ways of spending free time. The main goal of the project is cultural and social stimulation of 60 children who attend to school community centers. What is important is developing basic skills in pupils, early care and preparation for the proper functioning in the peer group, local community, family life, homeland, Europe and the world. Through cultural workshops, in other words education through play, we will try to shape the personality of children, develop the skills of creative expression and affect the evolution of intellect. Nowadays cultural education has become one of the most important forms of work with children. Such activities sensitize pupils to the beauty of words, music, give joy, learn culture. Working on the performance, the choreography, the show develops their cognitive abilities, memory exercise, correct pronunciation, enriches general knowledge. Contact with real costumes, musical instruments, props, theater puppets and masks, specialized painting equipment becomes a source of knowledge. Emotional involvement of pupils in the magic of culture - by entering into subsequent role, preparing performances, proper characterization will have influence on the development of the students interests in this field and the discovery and targeting of this passion. Moreover, the project aims to reinforce the professional profile of 16 teachers who are employed in schools participating in this project. Due to the work done in the project , teachers will acquire additional skills in working with recalcitrant children. Their knowledge will be expanded to elements of cultural education. Thanks to work on modern equipment, purchased under the project, innovative workshop programs will be developed to work with children from day-rooms. Exchange of experiences with teachers from partnership schools will also allow to notice the need to change the existing individual routine activities, which from now on will be executed more efficiently as it will be mastered. As it is known, the quality of schools is the sum of the actions of individual teachers. Thanks to higher-quality of teachers work, the development of schools as institutions focused on multi-faceted educational progress of students will be guaranteed. Due to the direct cooperation and exchange of experiences among the teachers during the courses of study, workshops and trainings, the necessary competencies will be enriched and developed. In this case, ‘team teaching’ will become another possibility to create work culture in which teachers acquire the space to develop their personal vision, derive energy and motivation to their own development, and above all for the development of their students. Nowadays, the role of the school community centers is enormous, they fill a gap between the school and parents, who often do not create appropriate living conditions for their children. The reason may be lack of funds or time, which results in the inability to provide the child a meal, help in learning or the best possible emotional development. The functioning of the community centers combines the competence of the school with the responsibilities of parents. It often support creativity and entrepreneurship of their pupils, activating them by organizing extra-curricular activities, and their primary goal is the broad interests of the child. It prepare the youngest for independent life and try to shape them with appropriate social attitudes. Furthermore, it develop children's interest, activating them during free time, learn cooperation, organization of time and give a chance for a better start in the future.
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