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LEPIEJ ZROZUMIEĆ, BY LEPIEJ POMÓC - wyzwania wychowawcze dla nauczyciela 2015-2016
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Understand better to help better-dealing with pupil behavioural challenges in 2015-2016” lasted 12 months and was directed to the to the teaching staff of Zespół Szkół Technicznych i Licealnych in Czechowice-Dziedzice, Poland. The analyses of the school’s needs (the pupil’s educational situation, the level of international cooperation, usage of ITC tools, the level of social and organizational competences of the teachers) showed the necessity of: -increasing the knowledge and experience of the teachers about the way of thinking of the contemporary teens, the ways of dealing with pupils’ difficult behavior, learning practical strategies of working with them, -broadening the European dimension of the school, -development of other competences of the teachers. The project engaged 15 people from ZSTiL - the teachers of general and vocational subjects and the school pedagogue, at the age of 35–55 with the 11-30 years of seniority. The aim of the project was mainly to improve the quality of the school's performance. The execution of the project resulted in taking a better care of the pupils, tailored to the needs of contemporary teens and complies with the latest knowledge about their behaviour.Other goals were to increase the school's European dimension, develop the teachers various’ competences (inter-cultural, European, social, linguistic,ITC). The project did influence the school’s other teachers, the pupils, their parents and the very school, the local and European communities. The following tasks were executed: a)a 20-hour language course, b)a cultural training on Italy (6 hours), c)an essential training devoted to the project’s topic (6 hours), d)participation of 12 people in a 5-day course abroad „Teenagers with Behaviour Disorders Or Bad Boys?”,organized by Progetto Crescere, Reggio Emilia, Itlay, e)participation of 4 people in a 4-day job shadowing at Liceo Scientifico Statale G.da Procida,Salerno, Italy, f)participation in individually chosen online courses on ITC tools at the eTwinning platform (all project's participants), g)activities implementing and promoting the project’s results. The above mentioned activities were conducted in various forms, mainly in group cooperation and with varied methodology: a talk, lecture, presentation, discussion, conversation, reflection, case study, surveillance, e-learning, visits at schools, etc. The execution of the project resulted in the following: -the quality of school's work has improved–operating procedures for dealing with pupils with behavioural disorders and socially maladapted have been worked out, and thus the effectiveness of educational activities has gone up; the quality of care of the pupils has improved thus minimizing the negative results of problems connected with teenagers' behaviour, the bad impact of pupils with behavioural disorders on their peers is decreasing and a better integration of such pupils with other teens is visible; the cooperation of teachers and parents has become more professional, -the teachers’ teaching and educational competences have developed-they have broadened their knowledge about behavioural disorders and their diagnosing, the methods of working with pupils with such defects, bullying and its preventing; they also analysed the educational projects about pedagogical and psychological care carried out by the foreign partners; they exchanged their experience with the Italian experts, -the school’s European dimension has expanded as well as those of our foreign partner institutions, e.g. by increasing the network of international contacts, -the teachers’ numerous competences have been developed: European, inter-cultural, linguistic, computer, social and organizational ones, -the integration of the teaching staff has improved, -the teachers’ engagement in the school's work increased, they have become more aware of the common responsibility of the school's welfare, e.g.2 application forms for Erasmus+ project were submitted, an eTwinning project-Sierpinski Carpet Project was successfully completed, -the school’s prestige in the local community has changed for the better, -the prestige of the foreign institutions cooperating with us has also increased, -the knowledge in the local community about Erasmus+ program and about Italy has broadened; the attitude of tolerance towards the cultural diversity of Europe has improved, -we have managed to make other European schools interested in running similar projects in the future. To sum up, the execution of the project resulted in a better functioning of the school in teaching and educational areas and broadened the school's European dimension. The skills and abilities acquired by the teachers while doing the project were already used and will be used in the future for planning and executing further actions on behalf of the school (e.g. applying for other European projects)
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1 Partners Participants