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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the European Development Project of our institute, called "Keeping Up With The Changing World" two applicants are involved: Frankó Emília, a language teacher and Soltész Viktória, the deputy headmistress of educational affairs at school. We believe that in the life of a school the teaching and educating process should take place interwoven inseparably, and so the fields we are going to focus on in our project are the language teaching and the motivating our students to learn. As both applicants have been teaching for several decades and they have regularly attended teacher training courses in our country as well as abroad, since they think it is important to renew and validate their skills both as teachers and educators, know very well what problems the foreign language teaching has had and how difficult the motivating our students has become recently, what new techniques, methods have appeared which could help the teachers encourage their students to keep on learning. Our school regards the preparing students for their final state examination as well as for their further studies, or the entering higher education institutes, also assisting them in adapting themselves to the life of work -- as highlighted tasks. We tend to educate our students to become conscious citizens not only of their motherland but also of the European Union and as a part of this we believe it is essential to study at least two foreign languages and at the same time, we find it is important to take part in international projects organized by the European Commission. Moreover, we are facing new challenges in foreign language teaching elicited by the dramatic development and changes in the field of the information and communication technology and in connection with it in the teaching methods and techniques. That is why we consider it is essential and inevitable to involve these much changed teaching tools into our everyday routine and to permanently follow the changes, adjusting, meanwhile, our teaching attitude to them. Agreed with both the board of directory and the teachers' staff of our school we tend to fulfill those goals and requirements which have been established in our development project: we try to burden kids optimally, i. e. according to their age characteristics; we would like to convey reasonably up-to-day knowledge to them and also to set real requirements. As the new educational acts of the government changed the age of compulsory education from 18 for16, we are facing a new challenging period in the education. In the school year of 2013-2014, just the 10th graders' parents will face for the first time this problem. Next year two, the following year three forms' students will get in the similar situation. In our special class, so called youth class of the department of adult education we are experiencing big fluctuation. Some of these students cannot use out this last chance. These all conditions are new challenges for us, for our school: how can we motivate the children, how can we make them not give up their studies? The pedagogical and methodological means of our educating and teaching staff need to be adapted to these changes, that is why we need suitable forums, training courses. As this is a brand new challenge for all secondary institutes in Hungary, we are convinced that it is important to share our experience with other European countries, to participate in international conferences as well as in international methodological trainings. Based on the arguments being summarized above we think it is reasonable to apply for participating in the courses in Scarborough and Southampton, which offer trainings suitable both for our participants' demands and for the requirements of our institute, and also provides enough possibilities to get answers to our questions and where our applicants will be able to sympathize and cooperate with representatives from other countries. In the case of a successful application, we will start out the preparation period systematically, in the course of which we are going to sort out concrete educational and teaching problems of our living environment as well as of our country. Moreover, our applicants are going to start to improve their foreign language knowledge. They want to become well-prepared and competent participants in the chosen courses as representatives of our country. After the courses, we will keep in touch with our new partners, start new projects, partnerships, carry on the follow-ups and keep the deadlines of the financial reports.
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