Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Institut Comte de Rius of Tarragona, together with Irlanda's entity European Career Evolution, carry out student's mobility projects, for the acomplishment of practices in companies. They have relation with 450 per year that go to Ireland for training periods. 6 VET students fron Institut Comte de Rius will be selected. Once the students are selecte, the Irish partner describes the students profile in order to select the company that best fit. Both partners together, will present the students to the companies. The tutor will be in the countryfor a few days. It is also possible that the students could realize cultural visits to the reception country. The professional competence of these technicians are described in their activity plan and it will be the guide for training contents and evaluation. After training period, the students will have improved their professional and language competences. As they are joining an international work, they will also improve their employment possibilities. as a result, local companies appreciate their ability to adapt to different situations. The students will receive a training certificate. Our organization will improve its prestige as an innovative center and the relationship with local companies.
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