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Leistungsklasse goes Europe II
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Who is involved :In this project, 23 trainees / students and 8 partners from Italy, Germany and the Netherlands are involved. The beneficiaries are mainly the students of the Philips - Leistungsklasse ( 2016) and the Springer - Leistungsklasse (2017) of the HTL 1 Lastenstrasse which are theoretical and practical educated in the areas of mechanical or electrical engineering as well as in foreign languages ( English and Italian or French).In the "Leistungsklasse"-syllabus approved by the Ministry of Education ( unique in the technical education ! ) three month of practical training are common before the fourth year.Implementation :After extensive prearrangement technical companies could be found , who did register their data and are willing to train our students. They sent us a Memorandum of Understanding. The activities for these three months are usually dressed in a technical project , accompanied by a Learning Agreement . The growth of competence is judged by the instructor at the partner company. A communication platform is set on the internet to ensure the exchange and accessibility of project management for our students and their parents. The companies are helpful in the searching for a suitable accommodation for our trainees. A visit to the company and the students by the supervisor is provided .Requirements:From the observation of the labor market situation is to realize that here and now a very strong demand for engineers with international experience , professional quality , linguistic competence and transnational mobility is given. The beneficiaries could thus report on their own experience and even better motivate more students for international activity .Currently in our region an increased influx of Italian companies with difficulties with the (unfortunately traditional ) language barrier create an increased demand for engineers and technicians talking Italian. The same problem can be found in the office buildings of the EU in Brussels: not technicians available. The reason: None is speaking French . Our "Leistungsklasse"-students respond to these facts by two hours extra language education per week!Goal:This project will help to ensure that the beneficiaries collect current experiences in their professional practice which is important for vocational training and professional work. They would prove their practical and theoretical knowledge and significantly improve their foreign language skills. By working in an international environment they would also establish lasting professional and personal contacts. The participation in the project would be an advantage for both, for the beneficiaries, as well as for the partner companies involved.

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3 Partners Participants