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Lehrlinge auf Wanderschaft
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Trainees in the dual vocational education and training, especially in the skilled trade, are, with regard to staying abroad, rather underrepresented. The aim of these projects is to increase the number of apprentices to go abroad for a part of their vocational training. We want to improve the international qualifications that they are good prepared for the international labour market as well as for the own apprenticing company. The further needs for the companies is to have skilled worker to establish and manage transnational cooperations and export businesses. According to this it means for the VET- Staff improve the motivation of the young people to go abroad.Within the mobility project we want to give 40 apprentices and 6 teachers/trainers in different trades such as car-mechanics, mechatronics, metal workers, electrician, miners etc. the possibility to collect the international experiences. That means to gain experiences and competences in foreign languages, practical work, cultural experiences and in dealing with different mentalities. In the frame of an 3 weeks stay abroad the miners will will get to know a completely new work experiences - the work in a cooper-mine underground, an skills enhancement that can be described as unique. In Norway, the trainees will enrich their skills in small and medium-sized companies, teach in new and different materials, learn their processing and other techniques. During the stayed program which contains excursions, language course, cultural program we integrate also the trainees from the host countries that guaranteed an effective using the communication in an foreign language and handling with other cultures and mentalities. The educational staff receives through internships and exchanges of experience insights into other training systems and ways of working and thus has a reflection on their own work and act in the future as a multiplicator and motivator to the trainees.The success of the action and the sustainable impact based on the very good and trusting partnership with the Polish and Norwegian colleagues, due to the excellent linguistic and intercultural preparation of participants, monitoring of project progress and especially on the handling and personal consultancy of the apprenticing companies.The comprehensive and professional public relation work of the Chamber of Crafts (own press office) guarantees an effective public dissemination of the project and as well of the results.In the long term we want to encourage with successful projects that more participants during their trainingship go abroad and make the vocational training with a stay abroad lucrative and to promote a "culture of being welcome" among young people.
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