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Lectra Operatörlük Eğitimi
Start date: Aug 11, 2014, End date: Aug 10, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The fast developments and innovations in the field of electronics and computer technology have accelerated the transition from labour intensive system to the machine and technology intensive system in the international competitive environment of developed countries. As this effect of the use of electronics and computer technology is obvious in many areas, its effect can also be clearly seen in the textile and apparel industry. Thanks to programs such as CAD/CAM systems being used in the apparel sector, lots of companies following the developments in technology and renewing themselves have obtained superiority by realising the standard, quality, low-cost, timely production without any losses. The name of our school is Zeytinburnu IDMID Technical Vocational High school for Girls. Our school’s clothing production technologies department gives vocational training in the leatherwear branch. Our project partners are; Sultan Selim Technical Vocational Higshchool for Girls and Antakya Yıldız-Selehattin Mıstıkoğlu Technical Vocational High school for Girls. The Sultan Selim Technical Vocational High school’s clothing production technologies department gives vocational training in the womenswear designing branch. Antakya Yıldız-Selehattin Mıstıkoğlu Technical Vocational High school’s clothing production technologies department gives vocational training in the womenswear designing, women’s tailoring and confection model mechanics branches. Concerning the textile and apparel sector our institutions provide vocational training in order to train qualified staff with the technological infrastructure required by our age. The necessary modernisation operations have been carried out with the help of modular training being enabled by the revision of the curriculum programs. The essential arrangements concerning this subject have been made. Due to the arrangements being made, our schools are in charge of training their students in line with the objectives of the constantly changing labour market. In order to realise this they train the students by teaching how to use the lectra programs which are the most used pc based CAD/CAM programs within the apparel sector. Moreover, they also teach practical applications. The opportunity to learn the lectra programs is limited to a small amount of firms and there is no opportunity to learn it in the school environment. With our project we tend to supply 47 students with the required knowledge and skills as a lectra operator being necessary within the sector. In line with this objective, a partnership has been built up with firms where the lectra programs are intensively utilised in the apparel production and that are specialised in this field in the textile industry of Portugal, İtaly and Rumania. Besides involving theoretical education from qualified and well-equipped firms institutions in Europe, the 2 weeks lasting training involves practical applications and the innovative methods and techniques of the working environments of the businesses with whom the training institutions cooperate. The primary effects and results expected from this training are: ~The enhancement of the quality of the participating sending schools, ~The improvement of cooperation between schools and industry by means of transferring the achievements to the private sector ~To create a more productive education environment with the help of the resource documents created at the end of the project ~To improve the general and professional foreign language competences of the participants ~To create working discipline, to raise an awareness concerning team spirit, confidence and organised working habits among the participants ~To raise Europeanism awareness by means of intercultural cohesion The long-term expectation is to strengthen the capacity of our schools as the participating sending organisations. Furthermore, we expect our students to specialise by completing the professional developing process concerning the Lectra software programs which will enable them to meet the requirements of the sector as Lectra operators. The methodology that is going to be used during the conducting of the project is, lecturing, catechising, demonstration, group-work, workshop, observing in textile-garment businesses, doing research, following innovations etc. Within our project, the program that will be carried out as the mobility of students is going to involve a group of 21 participants between 01/02/2015 - 15/02/2015 in Romania in Baia Mare city and Portugal in Barcelos City The other mobility actions will take place with a group of 26 Participants between 01/03/2015 -15/03/2015 in İtaly in San Salvo city and Portugal in Barcelos City will be. Students under the age of 18 and one student who is 50% hearing-impaired is going to be accompanied by a total of 8 instructors.
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6 Partners Participants